



Sweater: Forever21
Shorts" Vintage Levis
Boots: DrMartens
Bag: Vintage
Foxtail: Ebay

I'm finding so much love in Forever21 lately, first the studded boots in the post below now this awesome sweater... of course I wanted it in XL but they only had medium and I'm way too impatient to wait for online shopping when it's right in front of me... I need my stuff NOW!

On another note, exciting things are happening...and cannot wait to share!


skadiida said...

beautiful (:

leonie said...

-faints I FKING LOVE your foxtail! lovelovelove it so much that i have to ask you which ebay store you got it from if you dont mind sharing! thanks darl!!



Anonymous said...

Ahh I have definitely been coveting that top and now just want it even more haha. The f21 has been a financial death trap lately!



Ripped Jeans said...

wow! i really love that top!!

K A T H L E E N said...

f21 has everything! looks great

Anonymous said...

Great sweater! Such a shame we don't have an Forever21 over here.

Unknown said...

That is a great sweater. I dint see it online though?
I used to hate forever21 but nowadays i have found amazing things there, cheap ones!

Camilla said...

I love the jumper, it's awesome, and i get what you mean, all my jumpers have to be 4 times too big.


Rebecca said...

Gorgeous sweater :) x

Zoe_Deluge said...

oooo i want to hear about exciting things! haha, you look great, as always and I have been finding alot of stuff at f21 as well! i found two great pairs of shoes guh i love themmmmm.

Anonymous said...

That's a really nice sweater, but i totally dig the foxtail!

xoxo, http://heelsandwedges.blogspot.com

Lindstyle said...

love F21 too. always leave with an amazing thing or two... or ten

xo Lindsey

g.s said...

liking the rings and the sweater!

Unknown said...

LOVE that forever 21 sweater! very cute outfit--want it!


Bronzed Humanity said...

Oh man I have got to get to forever 21!

Lori said...

you made want those f21 boots and now i want this sweater! im also loving those shoes, im gonna go broke...

btw would you like to swap links??

...look closer

Unknown said...

share! i wanan know!

and yes f21 has been stepping it up lately.


Anonymous said...

awesome look!!! i love the jumper!
nice blog ^^


lydiajoy said...

I saw that top when they first put it on the site, and it keeps catching my eye. I've always been searching for some faux foxtails online today. (: Needless to say, I'm digging this.


Anonymous said...

i love this look !

Paige Rhianne said...

Wow i love your jumper , boots and bag love love love xx


an aspiring everything said...

love the sweater! such a cute pattern :)


Anonymous said...

I've been loving F21 lately too!! I love that top and of course your boots

Dirty Hair Halo said...

I'm a true believer in "The F" too.

They have such rad moments. I emphasize "moments".

It's like a pig hunting for truffles in a field full of deer turds. But, you know, sometimes they find the truffles.

Was that a stretch?

At any rate, your sweater is "the truffle," man.

She Wears, She Shares said...

hot sweater! I love pieces from Forever 21 that don't look Forever 21, if that makes any sense. :)

Unknown said...

LOVE the fox tail!!!!
Time to get mine out from the back of the wardrobe.... must. find. it. now... :)


Berta said...

wow! u always look awesome! =)!

have u ever go out with trainers xD hahaha


Lau said...

Wish we had a F21 in the UK, you look great x


Gosia said...

Great outfit,
and I still dream about those mr. martens boots...

Anonymous said...

F21...who knew?! They're def stepping up their game...loving the sweater (and boots)!

Nav said...

great look! i'm so excited that F21 are opening their first UK store soon!



Laura said...

Loove the sweater it looks so good on you!!!

Anki ★ said...

I love your foxtail *_*

Teenage (ariel) Dirtbag said...

so cute! x

Teenage (ariel) Dirtbag said...

so cute! x

MELISSA Z. said...

cool sweater dear! love the boots too!


bloo90fashion said...



Eva said...

Love your outfit and your blog!


Fashion Wh0re said...

I love your top and that foxtail ;)

Ambypure said...

I love your sweater!

I V Y said...

boots and foxtail <3

Lela London said...

Want it all. Including your hair. Gimme gimme?


Ninnis fotoblogg said...

Hello! You have such a great style that I just had to tell about your blog on my blog. I borrowed these two images, but of course I link to you. I also mentioned that it was your pictures. Hope it does not do anything. If you want to see my posts, click on the link.


Have a super nice day!

Gina said...

Oh just discovered your blog, love it :)


Rachael said...

Love your blog! The pictures are great and the boots you're wearing in the post before this one look so much like the style I blogged about the other day, love it!!


Wendy said...

I love those boots! So cool!

Anonymous said...

Loving the jumper,
sending some blog loving from your newest folllower


Jessica Esther said...

i do find great stuff in forever21 occasionally ;)
i love your sweater sooo much and your vintage levi's!!


Anonymous said...

Coll blog, Stéphane of www.luxe-et-vanites;blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Coll blog, Stéphane of www.luxe-et-vanites;blogspot.com

Lauren said...

Great look babe. Loving the sweater xx


so well put together. love it

Birgitte said...

I really love this! The pictures are awesome and i love the outfit!

Yes i get it ! ;)

xoxo Birgitte

Anonymous said...

Looking great in that sweater.
It was nice seeing you at Chictopia 10. xo Mish

Suze said...

aaah that sweater is awesome!
love this outfit!

Blog Mode said...

nice sweater!

I am sure it would be perfect for this fall/winter season :)

Polliani said...

I love it..

Anna said...

Love your sweater, looks comfy. Your studded shoes are awesome too!

handmade jewelry

Danielle Barbe said...

i swear i have the worst forever 21 luck - you seem to have the best.

that american gold kimono looks gorgeous on you - love the color (and love smv!)

xo d

Analisa said...

Haha I am on the same page with Forever 21 right now! I love the title of this post haha

Jessica Ly said...

LOOOOVE that sweater!!!!and you're too right about Topshop. As much as I love it...talk about bloody OVER PRICED!!