Hi peeps!
Here's a few sketches I worked on last night.
I have a pleather left over from a project I did a little while back and thought of making a bag with it. Just something simple that will look awesome is what I'm going for (easy right! :)).
Well actually the first bag I wanted to make is a square canvas shopping bag that I really want to print a big faded rose on it! LOVE THE PEACH COLOR!
I also love the idea of padded, bit like the chanel bags but in different shapes.
I want to try and make one over the weekend!!
which one do you like best??
I like #3 & #6 best. I cant wait to see what you come up with!
ps. I'm doing a little giveaway over at www.hellovictory.blogspot.com if your interested!
My favourite is number 3 :)
i like #3 .. also a fan of #2 but #3 is definitely my favourite :)
wooow Im so in love with 3 and 5
I would buy them directly!! :)
#3 your so talented. i bet anything you make would look superb. i also like #2 and #5
beautiful sketches!
I like #1, but I'm biased towards roses. they're beautiful flowers. but overall, all of these look good!
thanks for commenting
i love your blog
you seem very creative
i love these sketches too
i'm liking the no. 2 sketch
you know the one that sort of looks like a backpack but isn't
you know what
they're all great haha
oh and you have really nice hair :)
I love the idea of a big faded rose on the bag, so my vote goes to #1. Seems easy to make (?) (well easier that the others i guess :) ) and would be effective looking.
On the padded topic i think #3 is allready seen all over (the type that is), but still is a classic bag for evening dresses. Anyway, if i were you and could do such amazing projects, i would do #5, because it has everything: the form, the padded pattern, the comfort. And it is nowhere to be seen, so you would be the trend setter! :)
Thanks for your comment, btw. Your blog rocks, im subscribing! :)
I absolution love that bags! Great idea.
I like both, I would not know which to choose sincerely. Thanks for the comment and have a nice weekend
I just fell in love with your blog! I want to be a fashion designer too, but I don't think I could get to be as good!
I'm following:)
love this! you're so tallented. those sketches are amazing!!
TOO cool. Wish I could draw as good as you can.. I just discovered your blog and I think it's great. Keep on blogging :)
Nice! ;)) Have a nice weekend!
nice very nice!
and thanks<3
and i like you blog design much
cool, follow
oh god, I really love the clutch you sketched here, and the rose would be lovely on it!
Absolutely love your sketchbook posts, you're absolutely amazing!!!
Good luck with making your bag this weekend!
thanks for commenting at my postt..
visit / follow / and comment me .
enter my blog scarf giveaway
3 is looking good to me :)
ps thanks for stopping by my blog, greatly appreciated<3
Clothes Are Cute
mmmmm... i think that my fav is 3. You're a really good sketcher!
p.s. thnx for stopping on my blog ;)
your really talented i love the bags you draw!
the 3rd and 5th ones are cool, but i really like the first one the best, the peach rose is too pretty :)
Love your sketches! These are all wonderful ideas.
i love the look of number 3! :)
you're so talented !! I love love the bag design no 1 !!
Your sketches are amazing!
Love The sketches i like number 2 and nice blog ;)
Once again, great work and sketches, and I love the look of number 5! That rose design would definitely look good on a handbag :) keep up the brilliant work!
- Anna Jane xxx
Hello! I just found your blog and I it's amazing! !!I follow it!
i love number 3
you are too talented for words my dear
Stay safe and chic darling
English Rose x
thank you very muuuch!!
i love the 2 and 6!:))
Are you studying fashion design or you work in sth related to fashion??
I love your sketches =)
Great post! 2&4 are my favorites! =]
I used to study fashion in London and Now I work in fashion and Pattern/Graphics design in NY.
and thank you for your sweet comment :):)
awesome ideas!
i like #1 and #6
This is so inspiring! I love all of them, number 3 is the best.
These are so pretty - I'm eager to see the final results! The second one is my favorite - I love a clean, classic shape!
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