

Here's basically a sketch of what I want to be wearing... Yes I cannot have it or afford it therefore I shall draw it and dream of it :)

1. one needs a drapey fur jacket... yes fur, yes drapey so will have to be lightweight! maybe with a contrast fabric for the sleeves! yummy!
2. one also wants some wet look leggings w/biker seaming detail and
3. one then needs a chiffon oversized top w/delicious bead detail and sheer cutouts!(strategically placed of course ;)

That's all haha!

Had a great day shopping today... and saw Mischa Barton in my local coffee shop!?
I felt very hollywood!

This is my graphic inspiration board at work.
I find most of these on my fave graphic or art inspiration website www.ffffound.com or in Magazines.
Whenever I find anything I love it goes up on my wall, helps me to think and also gives me something pretty to look at :).

(sources: Dazed digital, ffffound, 5preview, wgsn)


Jade Purple Brown said...

i love seeing your designs!

Sabrina said...

incredible as usual!


Jess said...

Love, love love the inspiration board and your sketches are amazing

P R I M O E Z A said...

wow, your sketching is amazing. and i love seeing people's inspiration boards.
ps. the fox is a tim walker image.

M. said...

gorgeous sketch of course, the fur drapey jacket sounds amazing!

lovelove, M.

Otis said...

This outfit seems really Badass! I like your board...I think Might start doing that as well...

Katie said...

gahh that outfit is amazing and gorgeous and just all kinds of wonderful!

ZANAH said...

Great pics... thx for sharing :) Mon Mode Blog

Fashion Wh0re said...

Loving Your Sketch..And Your Inspiration Board is amazing i so need to start one

Valencia Lia said...

Love love the sketch you did and you're so talented!!

And I want to see all the sketchbook you're made. You're my style hero now <3

NoViTaRisTiaNa said...

fabulous sketch...i luv it :)

Anonymous said...

love the cork board. everyone needs one to organize all the jumble that is collecting in our brains.

ilovecoolthings said...

your sketches are really beautiful... when i was designing i'd always have to decipher them for the technical and pattern teams... teeheeeeee

i've always wanted to ;

a) draw really well
b) play the guitar and have an amazing voice

i have
neither of the above :(

(always)alanna said...

wow these are absolutely amazing- your talent is incredible
and gorgeouss blogg- will definitely be back again visiting soonn!

sui said...

I love your inspiration board <3 I love collecting inspiration!

and if you can't buy it.. MAKE IT! :D

Mischa Barton? Wow...
I hope to live in NYC one day too. Maybe we'll bump into each other haha ;)

Victoria said...

Aw Thanks !!! :)
Ohh sooo darn cool !! Love it ! Nice pix too !

La Société de Mode | The Fashion Society said...

Love the sketches - having ready inspiration like the graphic inspiration board is sooo important! yours is beautiful.

La Société de mode | The Fashion Society

Sybil said...

wow!! you're very talented!!! love your blog! it's so inspiring to browse thru your posts! :D
thanks for dropping by mine! :D


Sofie Marie said...

You saw Mischa Barton?!! Woah, pretty weird but very cool. I love your sketches....I'm in year 10 at school and I study textiles. Were just starting to work on drawing fashion figures,and I'm finding it kind of difficult. Maybe send me some tips,if you have the time?? (I hope that doesn't sound rude!) Lovelove your graphic board,its awesome!

Neon Gold said...

ive got also such an inspiration board:)

your sketches are amazing!!

△▾christine▴▽ said...

your sketch book is amazing. you're really talented :)

i still love misha, post TBL cancellation.!


your sketch is great (:
love it!

and you saw mischa - great (:

love, caroline.

Anonymous said...

Oh such an inspirational post! Love the scetch, the outfit you designed is fab! I wish I could see Mischa Barton in my local coffee shop! :D Sadly those things don't happen in Finland...

Bella said...

I wish I could sketch like you!
following you :) xxxx

Camilla said...

wow. as always!
LOVE that design, I would wear it everyday.
Please open up a design label SO I CAN BUY THESE CLOTHES. Oh pretty please...


Camilla said...

wow. as always!
LOVE that design, I would wear it everyday.
Please open up a design label SO I CAN BUY THESE CLOTHES. Oh pretty please...


Move said...

love ur sketch soo much, ur so talented!!


Unknown said...

I just found your blog, it's amazing !! Love your style so much ! I'm following

Chloé A. said...

oh i just loved this post!!!
Your sketch is adorable!

And I can't believe you saw mischa!!


P.S. your new follower :)

Chloé A. said...

oh i just loved this post!!!
Your sketch is adorable!

And I can't believe you saw mischa!!


P.S. your new follower :)

Anna-Lena said...

wonderful design you have! someday you will wear something like that...looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

oh the jacket sounds perfection! & mischa barton?! good work.


Soooali said...

This is my kind of jacket! You hae so much talent, it makes me sooo jealous!

Soooali said...

This is my kind of jacket! You have so much talent, it makes me sooo jealous!

Milly. said...

Thanks for the comment!
WOW you're really talented...!
What do you do for your job? Absolutely love those inspiration board.

That's so funny you saw Mischa Barton - I think I'd be a little starstruck, I love her!

Going to "follow" you! :)


Mila said...

Your sketch looks great and so does the outfit!!!

Kat said...

you got talent! your drawings are lovely, really inspiring :)

mar said...

love these inspiration boards!!
oh!!and i am a fan of your sketches!

Unknown said...

you are so creative love this sketch =*

Unknown said...

you are so creative love this sketch =*

Unknown said...

you are so creative love this sketch =*

Unknown said...

you are so creative love this sketch =*

Unknown said...

you are so creative love this sketch =*

Anonymous said...

oh wow
amazing sketch and great inspiration board!!


Maria Ana said...

Your blog is so so cute!

Thank you for visiting mine:)

daisychain said...

you are so talented.

A Gluten Freestyle said...

Love the inspiration board. It's awesome, as is your sketch.

Vinda Sonata said...

incredible sketch, that's a very inspiring piece. you're so talented! i bet you're gonna make a big designer. please do reserve my seat in your front row already ;)

i'll definitely be back for more stunning illustrations and posts!

Unknown said...

loving it x

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Sissy à la Mode said...

You have a lot of style, just discovererd your blog via Chictopia and I'm following. really like it Draling FOR SURE!!!!

Analisa said...

This is amazing as usual! Your sketch is sooo great :)

Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Gorgeous sketch dear!
About the necklace, I'm making new pieces to sell it will be up next week!
X, fashionnerdic.

Adrianna Traxler said...

Seeing your inspirations board & sketches totally inspires me to start sketching...You have a great eye for fashion

Karen said...

ALWAYS love your sketches!!

Karen x

Jessica said...

All these photos are really neat!

And you saw Mischa Barton?! Kick ass.

farisita said...

damn girl, you can draw... just moved and I need to set up my art room, you just inspired me ;)


Birgit said...

you should think of becoming a designer, great taste for style. & love the photographs!
x Birgit

Taylor Sterling said...

amazing! I want your sketches! SO wonderful! xoxo

Friend in Fashion said...

Love seeing your designs and your wish list is spot on! :)

Fashion giveaway @ www.friendinfashion.blogspot.com


Maddie said...

love love these pics! and oooo on seeing micha barton! part of me would be tempted to take a photo and send it to Heat or some trashy magazine for £250.... mean, i know, but think of the shoes it could pay for ;)

SabinePsynopsis said...

I so agree, one just needs a drapey fur jacket (especially these days). The sketches look very promising! Sabine x

street angel said...

I love your ideas!

Jess ♡ said...

I totally need a drapey fur jacket (as I don't even own a fur jacket yet!) I wish I could sketch half as well as you, so talented <3 Loving the inspiration board as well :)

Nora the Explorer said...

cute sketches and inspiration board!

E said...

I have that same feeling, where I just have to envision myself wearing it because it's not going to happen financially :-( I love this creation, though.

Brittany said...

Wow, beautiful sketches! You have such a wonderful blog, so lovely!

The Sound of Lace said...

Great sketch! They are always so unique...love em.


Desired Youth said...

Gorgeous designs!

Check out my blog:

B a la Moda said...

Love the look! Your sketches are really good. I am surprise. I can feel it with the fabrics.

B* a la Moda

Chicago Chic said...

You are so talented, Love. The chiffon top sounds like a gorgeous touch to the outfit!


Adele said...

right back at you, your blog is so awesome!
your drawing is lovely, I like your style. do you do fashion illustration? love your inspiration board too, it's inspiring me to make my own new one.
so glad i found your blog, i'm adding it to my reader/blogroll!

the style crusader said...

that sketch is totally incredible. love all the types of fabric that you picked out. xx

Missy said...

amazing sketch!!!! and great pictures too!!!

chwalisz. said...

Drinking coffee with Mischa Barton would be really cool, but I haven't got any Mischa in Poland ;). Love your inspiration board.

Audrey Allure said...

gorgeous sketch & beautiful inspiration board!

love your blog! :)
- Audrey Allure <3

Unknown said...

Great blog!!

I love to look!!!

<3 Ivânia

Grace said...

I would love to be wearing that sketch right now also!

Love Grace.

ttttttttt said...

I'm really obsessed with your sketches, designs and your inspiration board. I use my whole room as an inspiration board :D

S said...

Oh my goodness I don't know how to wear wet look legging... But your sketch is very inspirational!
Thanks for the compliment about my photos :) Yours are WAY cool and they always make me try to take better photos!

Danielle Barbe said...

great sketches!

and did mischa look fabulous? pray tell.


Danielle Barbe said...

great sketches!

and did mischa look fabulous? pray tell.


Anonymous said...

Love the sketch and inspiration board.

Unknown said...

These are such amazing shots!
Love your inspiration board, its lovely..
Panda xx
Oh, and thanks for your sweet comment!

anne said...

looks amazing!
love the inspiration board. especially the david lynch illustration :)

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Amazing! I didn't know you were so talented! Love your sketches!

olgha. said...

i've got similar board at my room, it looks nice and it's useful ;d

Nathalie said...

Such a great post of inspirations. Love your board

Zoe_Deluge said...

i really love your drawing style, do you make any garments?

Anonymous said...

Your sketch rocks!!! xo Mish


Nia said...

This is all TOO GOOD.

x Antonia

cat said...

really talented you! love it! thanxx for ur nice comments! please visit CiTiEs of B anytime again :-) xx cat
CiTiEs of B

cocorosa said...

pleaseeeee start making these designs Gems!!! loveeee them :)

Kelley Anne said...

You sketch is wonderful. I like the fabrics you chose as well. Wouldn't it be great if we could magically afford exactly what we want to wear when we want it?:)

Robyn said...

I love that your inspiration board looks like a piece of art. Mine is a big mess of fabric and magazine cut outs.

Clara Campelo said...

Fabulous post.
i loved your blog.

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

hi! thank u so much for visiting my site...you're site is very cool, too. you're so talented and i would LOVE to wear the outfit you sketched out, too. :)

starcakeastrology.blogspot.com said...

what a lovely drawing

stacy said...

I'm all about the bulletin board. How do people work w/o them?

em.me.ma said...

thanks for the comment; girl i love your illustration! your very tallented.


Polished Sense said...

Love your blog! Thanks for the comment! I will be back for more. Fabulous photographs you have! I'm in love :D


inkarlcerating said...

OMG.. seeing how talented u are, i am sooo in love..

the sketches.. the creative juices u translate in every entry

i also sketch what i wana wear. haha
love ya

Elizabete said...

The sketch is great!

Hello Ehya said...

Love the sketch, love your board.

Constance said...

Your illustrations are incredible! great designs x

kaitlin said...

your sketches are beyond amazing. I'm assuming you attend design school in paris, which one?
also your 'inspiration board' or whatever you like to call it is freakin awesome!!! :D


Fabulously Lazy said...

beautiful sketch! I love your style of drawing.

simonesays said...

Can I be wearing that right now, please? Thanks.

EIW said...
