



On Friday after work Karen and I met up and went for a bit of vintage shopping. I didn't end up buying anything (yes I was shocked too) but I must say I was incredibly inspired... which drove me to start some vintage inspired designs (above).
As you can see I have a thing for Rompers right now! big clunky jewelry and I'm also on the hunt for a belt with an awesome massive gold buckle... yes I know I'm not asking for much!

This weekend I was rammed with big fat clutch orders... well when I say rammed I mean 3, but I finished and I feel awfully productive and good about myself :D
OH and I also had some fun dripping pink fluorescent paint into my sketchbook ...bye bye!


Valencia Lia said...

Wow,I love love the sketches you draw!! Are you going to design those?? Ohhh girl,maybe you can start making your own clothes too:)

I'm shocked too you didn't buy anything while on your vintage trip but that only means you'll find something fab soon.

Know what,I'm thinking of buying the mint green clutch from you! Ahaha

Anonymous said...

great illustrations and designs! i love the muted colours with pops of pink.

Iole said...


Unknown said...

great sketches !!

Anonymous said...

Wow, love vintage! Great inspiration, love these draws!



Melinda said...

so nice!!!!

Couture said...

I am in love with the dress!


Anonymous said...

Oh what amazing sketches. Sometimes hen I have something really specific in mind, I struggle to find it, but I've been having some luck lately. Hope you do too

Unknown said...

Love your designs, can't wait to see more =]

You black clutch inspired me to make my own, haha it's pretty bad but I love it.

See it here


x Josie

VanilahFashion said...

nuff said

vint junky said...

Oh I want both of these looks right now!


. said...

are u a fashion student?? :)
love ur sketches

Camilla said...

your sketches are like art work!
I would happily live in that romper with the lion belt.


Anonymous said...

you are really amazing. always a delight to come to your blog

Zoe_Deluge said...

I love rompers too! I absolutly love how you draw out your designs, it really makes people focus on it, compared to me, its always more about the girl I'm drawing ;/ hahaha I love it!

mel said...

you are amazing at drawings and those designs are fab! girl, you are such an inspirational person


FlashFash said...

Always love your sketches! The outfits are fantastic!


Joyce said...

those are gorgeous drawings! I wish I could draw...
and I love the pink paint! makes me want the hot pink nail polish i was looking at yesterday! =)

Anonymous said...

You are SO talented!! Beautiful sketches I'm seriously drooling right now haha.

the contemporary ingenue

xoxo E&L

Robyn said...

I looove rompers right now, even with all the strange stares my family and friends give me when I wear them. These sketches are brilliant; I can't wait til you start making some prototypes! Also, where do we order big fat clutches?


eesa said...

wowowowowww i wish i could be that detailed...x.couldn't pick my favorite

eesa said...

wowowowowww i wish i could be that detailed...x.couldn't pick my favorite

sabrina said...

These sketches are amazing! They kind of remind me of android fashionistas lol. :)

btw, I think it would be cool if you made a clutch in that pink colour :)


Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

you are so damn good!!! :D
seeing your sketches inspire me to sketch some stuff up too...only i'm not half as good as you are...

we're going vintage shopping tomorrow and i hope i buy tons!hehe.

♥ bags of love giveaway | vanilla ice cream ♥

Lulu S. said...

The design sketches are so nice! Looking beautiful so far, I would love to wear the one on the left :)

Milly. said...

Wow, as I have said so many times before...you're so talented! And I love the don't steal me sign in pink.
Congratulations on your big fat clutch production, you're doing so well for yourself! :)


Sabrina said...

you are such an inspiration and so incredibly tallented!

keep it up!

Sabrina said...

you are such an inspiration and so incredibly tallented!

keep it up!

Carina Joana said...

Love your designs! really inspiring <3

Prutha Raithatha said...

love ur sketches


Hash Draws said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

such amazing sketches!!! :DDD keep drawing!!! please please!!!!