Beanie: Some random Deli I think
Top: Cut off H&M LS tee
Skirt: American Apparel
Sunglasses: Cobrasnake
Still loving these sunglasses trying to wear them right up until the sun goes down and even a bit after that sometimes but then I feel a bit douchebaggy when it gets dark so I make myself take them off until the next day.
I'm not really one for pink generally but I fell in love with this chiffon skirt from AA and had to have it, it's so comfy I've worn it nearly everyday since got it. ew. OK exaggeration.
Love the beanie-maxi skirt combination!
very cute + comfy!
You always inspire me. I love this look too!
you are totally rockin those shades!
**btw I have a BRASHYxMONSTRE XI GIVEAWAY on at the moment so do pop by to see if you win an awesome tee**
ha. douchebaggy.
the only time one can wear sunglasses at night is when they're on drugs.
i'll leave it at that.
Mmm, i love the skirt too.
You're so pretty under all that hat.
I really love your entire outfit! I was actually wearing a cropped sweater over a maxi skirt today too :) And I deffs know what you mean about the sunglasses thing, haha. (I always have to avoid the urge to wear them indoors!)
love the skirt<3
that skirt is great, i would totally wear it everyday too! love the sunglasses too, so retro :)
Fashion Bag 411
lol don't lie..that's not an exaggeration..you've even worn it to bed, lmao! it looks great on you, for sure!
love your beanie. and that skirt is gorgeous!
love the maxi skirt and those sunglasses are so cool!
You are looking beautiful and those glasses and pendants are lovely!!
I adore the chiffon skirt; the perfect drape and fall really does appear as if a somewhat fantasy skirt...amid a idylic wonderland of all things chiffon. Ok, slightly exagerated, but you should get the point....
Also, i LOVE the combination of neclaces you wear consistently although they couldn't be an anymore perfect addition to any of your outfits :)
X Neda X
love your sunnies <3
love the skirt :)
liking the beanie w/maxi skirt combo
this is a fun mix of clothes, I like how you topped it off with the beanie! I've been meaning to find a shirt that length, but now that I think about it, I should just cut one off like you did :)
loe the outfit but i really love the beanie on you. and the glasses are cool
Vi from Cali
so 90s! Love it
Well THANK YOU for introducing me to W.A.S!!! Ordering a bunch of items NOW.
And I am you're back <3
so excited to see you back in action!! ive missed ya! i know its probably been a difficult time.
luvin those glasses!!
♥ thesoundoflace.blogspot.com ♥
Love how you dressed down the skirt with that beanie .. & I can totally imagine why you would want to keep wearing those glasses, they're amazing!
Lmao, when I first get a pair of sunglasses I wear them pretty much until the sun goes down, and I have to make myself take them off too.
Love your outfit ♥
you are such a babe.
Woohoo, sunnie twins! I love them too-the oversized, almost famous-ness, olsen-esque feel of them. I wear them into the last hours of daylight and revel in my douchbaginess :-)
I love the porportions of this outfit. The skirt is awesome.
i like this one.
love your style.you look great!:)
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