Dress: F21
Necklaces: Pamela Love/Camden Market/DIY
Rings: Churoncalla
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell
Finally got some pictures with this bad boy on! Cannot tell you how much I loves it! I also bought a velvet oversized shirt in navy that I should post soon, snagged it for the bargain price of $7 at the salvation armizzle!!
Oh and still procrastinating on my halloween costume, sigh...
Love this!
this is bloody sexy. just saying.
Great dress! I love the colour!!
gemma this dress, NO WORDS!! photographs AH-MAZING!1
the wine velvet dress looks amaze on...love the photos.
the crush velvet dress is wow, adore the colour of it.
hmmmmmmmmm velvet lol. Love this look.
xoxo Monroe
love this look hmmmmmmm velvet
xoxo Monroe
LOVE that dress :)
i have the same dress from f21 and i love it and i cut the bottom of mine so theres no hemline. it one, makes it a little shorter and two, makes it look more edgy/grungy/vintagy.
which is totally my style and from your blog i think our styles our similar :)
check out my blog i think youd like it
much love from west hollywood, ca
love the dress + necklace combo ;)
So glad you posted pics of it on!! AMAZING! and the color!! LOVE! xoxo-LLD
wish i could pull off velvet like you!
finally you wear that velvet dress.
really like it!
velvet shirt? goodness, it's gonna be awesome!
cant wait.
Great color, great velvet.
love this velvet dress.the colour is an absolute darling...!!!!
That velvet dress is too good. <3
Great look!
FANTASTIC outfit!!
<3 <3 lovely
I LOVE this dress :D and what are your ideas for a halloween costume so far? :)
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
I just knew you'd look great in this it's gorgeous ♥ x
That velvet dress is adorable!
ammagaad, i'm in love w your blog. heart
Great photos!! I LOVE this dress!!
I'm going to have to get on velvet again this year! i love your cross
dress is amazing! :)
love velvet
wait i thought that you already had a costume idea?! That reminds me. I haven't even started making either my MK olsen costume or my cat costume. I smell IMPENDING DISASTER!Crushed velvet kinda creeps me out (texturally) but it's so opulent isn't it? I have about six yards of crushed velvet in the most kick ass colors...but have been too lazy to convert them into capes.
i always feel like i'm telling you my life story when i write in your comment box. hope u don't mind! i obviously like to hear/read myself way too much.
oh! one last thing. did u go the SA in Blyn? apparently that one has had issues with bed bugs. my friends in blyn told me to never go there because they've heard of horror stories of people buying stuff and then having their apts infested hours later....
Love the color! Keep them coming!
xo Nikki
Armizzle lololol you crack me up! Im not usually a fan of velvet...but you look amazing in that dress!
The purple velvet is lush- I can't believe f21!
you are the only one I know that can pull off this crushed velvet jumper dress. It looks awesome on you love.
Im still debating between being a Villian, batwoman, cat woman, a bat, a cat, a girl in a tux, a girl in a mask and a burglar.
that dress is the shit.
love the dress!
Really cool blog you've got !!
If you want, you can take a look at mine too :)
Ohh i love this dress! I really want to touch it... looks very touchable! Love love love the colour.
ah i love the crushed velvet dress! so lovely
xx, sophia
I love that dress! I can't figure out what to do for Halloween either.
That dress is so Fab! Love the color and how you styled it:D
I love red velvet!
totally stalked this dress on the f21 site, it looks great on you.
clothes are cute
ooooooh love love love this! im super procrastinating with my costume too! every year i leave to dang late! xxx
this velvet dress is wonderful and so cool! Love it so much! <3
your blog is quite a gem. absolutely adore it.
these shots are so cool!!! ahh crushed velvet and that burgundy pink is gorgeous so jealous! love following :)
Gorgeous, i love the colour of that dress and the cross necklace.. and of course the shoes.. sigh.. i yet get my hands on a pair xo
Loveee the dress! I'm completely obsessed with velvet at the moment myselff
gorge photos and that velvet dress is chic
hilarious dress!
loove it!
I want your clothes so much it like physically hurts to look at your blog.
I am still following you.
you have a really nice blog!! great style too! Xx
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