
Hat: Urban Outfitters
Sweater: H&M
Necklaces: Vintage/Camden Market
Cage Boots: Jeffrey Campbell
Bag: Thrifted Coach Bag
Rings: Vintage
Lipstick: Kat Von D "BACKSTAGE BAMBI"

AAaaannnddd she's back!
Had a fab time in PR but now I'm so busy with all these random projects I feel like I haven't even been away. But I am enjoying the Sun in New York even though they tell us it's disappearing again this weekend ... Sigh!

But on the bright side I got this mini skirt from the lovely Heather from Sound of Lace. Love the retro print and it's so comfy, also adds a cool pop of color to my otherwise monotone outfit :) Thank you Heather !!!

Happy Thursday!!


Anna said...

Love the skirt and I love all the sun :)


s said...

Nice -- sunny day in Bryant Park. Still love those shoes!

s said...

Nice -- sunny day in Bryant Park. Still love those shoes!

shoeless simone said...

You seriously put together the most lovely outfits, I'm so jealous! I love the skirt and lighting

-Shoeless Simone

Melly said...

Great outfit.

Valencia Lia said...

That loose oversized throw over with that gorgeous skirt is really so beautiful:)

You always layer necklaces so well! Gotta learn that from you!

Anonymous said...

Love the bright colour amongst the grey. That lippy is so fantastic too!

Anonymous said...

Love the bright colour amongst the grey. That lippy is so fantastic too!

Fashion Wh0re said...

Love your outfit...tat skirt is too cute and those heels are sick!!

Sarah Mikaela said...

It almost looks like spring! Nice hat!



Tayler Worrell said...

the pop of pattern is awesome, and your necklaces are amazing!!


Anonymous said...

Love this look!

△▾christine▴▽ said...

i visit your blog, and EVERY time i just want to jump on a plane and fly to the East.

happy weekend !

Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

Cool jacket and cute skirt!

ColorHater said...

Great sweater and necklace! Love!


Camilla said...

That mini skirt is fabulous!


Annachiara Savio said...

Faaantastic as always darling!!! Love you :D

cinnam0n~ said...

awesome outfit!!:D
and i'm in love with ur skirt!!:D:D:D

That Girl Lucy said...

awesome oversize, slouchy sweater & blazer!
and killer rings & lipstick as always!
lucy x

GuĂ°munda said...

LOVE your boots! I can't wait for sunny summer days.


Style Stars said...

looove the cage shoes! && that first pic is so dreamy <3


fall in love with vika gazinskaya...

Anonymous said...

the red stone ring is fabulous !

Anonymous said...

love love it!
you're so gorgeous!:)

Nana said...

i love your necklaces! great outfit.

Anna said...

I want the sun back. I really miss it! ):
And you are beautiful as always

mel said...

love this outfit, you are just too awesome;) i really want your hate! and coat and shoes ahhh

Papillon Vintage said...

Fabulous cage heels!

skadiida said...

beautiful pictures (:

Rock Couture said...

Love love the outfit and you rock those boots!!!

Velvet Rose said...

great lip stick girl! =D

daisychain said...

amazing pictures, I'm so in love with your shoes.

INVADER. said...

the outfit is perfect

sinandstarlight said...

cute outfit! you look amazing

Sofia Leo said...

Stunning shots! So creative and inspiring! Also a very lovely outfit!

Arushi Khosla said...

Oh lady, you are so fab! I love every bit of this outfit!

Arushi Khosla said...

Also, who's your blog designer??

Kookie B. said...

Why are you so damn cool??? Hahahaha! This outfit is rad...from the shoes to the accessories! love 'em all!


Christina said...

Your bag is awesome. (:

Amber said...

You look so cool!
x amber

Chiara Biasi said...

lovely lovely pics!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome outfit! Looooove it <3

Anonymous said...

Great outfit, especially the skirt!

Lexi Colby said...

you always have such cool pictures and outfits!
love it

viviaan said...

once again..
the most beautiful photography, unique style, talented thoughts compiled together.

this blogs got me hookedd :(
you should KNOW why everyone keeps coming back to read your posts!!
amazing x

Elizabeth, Delightfully Tacky said...

Love love loving the lipstick.

Altanero said...

I love those shoes!

▲ FARRAH ▲ said...

YOu always have the best lip colors :)


H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

Love the skirt and, well, everything basically :)



A said...

Sun is back in NY? That means I can get out of SF and come back to my favorite city... brilliant.
Your shoes are also equally brilliant.... and you know how I feel about hats, especially that one.


closet obsessions said...

i love this outfit, so easy... you look great.


Jeans Please! said...

U have amazing lipstick & shoes!

tiffany said...

looove your blog


Anonymous said...

NY-city of my dreams ♥
amazing outfit

Anonymous said...

i love that outfit from head to toe
really pretty skirt
nice photos and blog


Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

cute skirt!
and i'm loving those necklaces!!!
layered is the way to go...

vanilla ice cream ♥ 
| for the love of accessories |

iliketweet said...

Gorgeouuuuus look! Loving the JC's :)



Limitless Fashion said...

Awesome outfit, love that skirt!


Karoline said...

Beautiful pictures!

Sabrina said...



Ana said...

seriously lovely outfit
its really cute
and ahh im jealous you live in NYC i've wanted to go there live there for ages now.
xoxo thanks for the comments

Heather said...

Love this! Great necklaces and boots. :)

Meg said...

I love the pop of colour from your skirt and lipstick!

Jess said...

Superb hat and bag

Unknown said...

you bag and skirt are great !!!

Anonymous said...

I love your Style!


FashionJazz said...

Luv ur outfit hun!!! xxx

josie said...

such a cool pair of shades

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos!

Love your sunnies and the purple lipstick!

Jess x

check out my blog;

Anonymous said...

your photos are so nice.

Hanna ja Anni said...

Love your outfit !