

Sunglasses: Rocawear
Blouse: Vintage (Beacons Closet)
Medallion: (my new obsession) Vintage from Beacons
Pants: H&M
Boots: New Look

Please meet my new favorite necklace... I love that the chain is short and that the pendant is huge, So I am now looking for this proportion everywhere. 
It also seems my new fave medallion has two frolicking men on it haha!
I did see some awesome medallions that would be so perfect for the Summer in TopShop, but I can't see myself paying $40 for a necklace... hmm ... but I do really like it :D

Took these pictures on Sunday in McCarren park, Willimasburg. This was when there was still a little sunlight still left to be seen... But as all you living in New York know the snow is coming back again WTF BRO!!!!

Also check out Valencia from ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVE she's rockin one of fadetoblack's big fat clutches and looking so awesome!!


sui said...

freaking BEAUTIFUL. love the photos.

my friend reblogged one of your photos from the "coffee in the park" post/off of lookbook on tumblr, and I got excited and said "HEY! I know that beautiful lady ;)"

Amalia Mas'ad said...

LOVE THE NECKLACEEEEE! I love the photos color too! Fave!

Emm said...

this is so nice. love the red and your little gold men =)


Bub said...

i absolutely love your style!!!!
keep up the blog

Tayler Worrell said...

wow i love this outfit, i just wanna keep staring at it! the photos are gorgeous <3


Sabrina said...

holy crap
this is the most amazing thing i have ever seen
i love this SO much and this is in my opinion one of my favorite outfits from you
you are honestly my blog idol
love it love it love it

Lexi Colby said...

i love your outfit!!!! and the pants are so nice


Anonymous said...

Love the necklace and you look very classy...i know you can't see me but I still feel under dressed :P

Rock Couture said...

So amazing. You look gorgeous in the red lippie. Great pics!

Carolina. said...

Nice pic!
I love the vintage blouse, fashion!!!
The pants are amazing.
Perfect Outfit!


Brittany Rubin said...

these colors are adorable! love love follow pleaseee

xoxo http://fairytaletaffeta.blogspot.com

Brittany Rubin said...

these colors are adorable! love love follow pleaseee

xoxo http://fairytaletaffeta.blogspot.com

Lisa said...

gorgeous photos and your necklace is beautiful!

Friend in Fashion said...

Ooooh - love the pretty red blouse and your gorgeous pendant!!! :)

ColorHater said...

Like the contrast between your blouse and snow :)

I can't wait the spring...


HeatherClark said...

These are some of my fav pictures that you've ever posted! the pink against the sky so pretty.

also one of my fav outfits!


MCM said...

hey lady! love your post as always... thanks for helping me with the photo editing... just made a post and thanked you on it! http://marycatherinemoody.blogspot.com

Nicole Jarecz said...

your outfit is amazing. and the photography on your blog stands out from the rest. What kind of camera do you use? ...o and thanks for putting my illustration on your sidebar!!! (and for linking it back to my site) pretty badass. xx

FashionHippieLoves said...

this is one of my fav looks from you!
Really like your blouse!


Lauretha Sudjono said...

breath taking! i love all what you posts and put in this blog. i love Fadetoblack. <333333333333. i'll visit you everyday!

Bijou's Style said...

lovvvvvve this look! it looks so great on u ....btw, I need those ROC shades...where can I get them??



SaraJ said...

u look deadly amazing

Meg said...

I like your top a lot!

thehautepursuit said...

I adore the first picture :) really pretty. Looks like NYC is free of snow for now??
and stay tuned for my milk maid braid tutorial. It's really easy--I PROMISE!

Robyn S. said...

Loving your necklace, but loving your perfect orangey-red lip color even more! What is it? You look gorgeous.

Also, about the snow-- SERIOUSLY. When is the frikkin' snowpocalypse going to end?

Victoria said...

Ooo Such gorgoues pictures ! Wow. ! ANd love the red one ! Awesome shirt
and buuu , hope not all that much snow comes your way - unless u want it though haha.. :P

Melly said...

Beautiful look. ☺

Sasha B. said...

i love everything about this outfit! even the pictures! I seriously envy all your awesome lipstick colors.. and I really want some pants like those.

Connie said...

Love the necklace! Beautiful pics aswell.

The Heartbreak

Ana G said...

your hair is awesome! i love your sunnies and everything! red is your colour!

Nadine said...

Great outfit!
Love the blouse with those pants!

N AT A S H A said...

Ohhh this has to be in my top favourite outfits. That necklace is platinum. X

Annachiara Savio said...

Looove you always darling!!! Favolous outfit...Loove the necklace!!!! :D

MELISSA Z. said...

Love your shirt, it looks so vintage! Love the leopard belt too! Great outfit!


SabinePsynopsis said...

Such a sweet dotted blouse - and the lipstick colour goes perfectly with it. Lady, you are the queen of accessoires!

The Haute Bitch said...

i love those mermaid locks of yours xoxo


Anonymous said...

Awesome pics. Love the shirt <3

xoxo M.

WENDY said...

Beautiful pictures.
Gorgeous hair.
Amazing outfit.

Love it <3

Leah said...

Gorgeous necklace... love the design. And I seriously love that first image. xoxo

Anna said...

seriously what's up with all that snow. It will never stop. Copenhagen is all covered in snow also, and has been for SO many weeks.
Your outfit is lovely. I really like that blouse, and the necklace is amazing!

TrousersShoesandSkirts said...

I love everything about your outfit! The blouse is great!

Haute World said...

Wow, that's one awesome necklace! The length is perfect, I think if it had been any longer, it would have looked like a medal. Love that blouse as well!

A* said...

I have not words for this outfit...... and those pics...

Looking good!!



JoJo said...

LOVE this outfit!!

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

u look so gorgeous! amazing! stunning! love this outfit, the combination, everything:) its finally nice weather here in Prague as well....love when sun is shining:)
have a nice day!

Amber said...

Wauw love the blouse!
and the first picture is so nice!
x amber

The Chains of Love said...

wow! the colour in these pics are so amazing!!! And just adore that little hint of leopard in the skinny belt ;)

come check us out!

Valencia Lia said...

Thanks so so much for the shout out girl,super sweet of you:)

I'm waving to your new necklace and its is super gorgeous. Those 2 little men on it is so funny.

Beacon's closet has got to move to Singapore! They have so many beautiful clothes and this blouse,I'm speechless. I want to raid your closet if I could!

Are those cherry blossoms in the 1st photo??

Unknown said...

your outfit is perfect !!!!!!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

that medallion is gorgeous! fancy sending it my way? haha :)
another incredible outfit! you always look so effortlessly chic



ZEUS said...

AH_MAZIng Blog!

Susu Paris Chic said...

I looove this. Makes me think of Woody Allen films that so I much affectionate. Mia Farrow and the wonderful 80s New York spirit.

Lolitta said...

I love those oversized wayfarer's (s/p)! You look gawjus!


DENNI said...



Jess said...

Your outfits are so lovely babe. Massive inspiration. Love the accessories!

Jess said...

Ohhh how can i get my hands on a clutch too babe?

Paz { y amor } ☮ said...

I loveee your look :)
Thanks for comment, follow me if you want and I follow you!
xx ftb.

Paz { y amor } ☮ said...

I loveee your look :)
Thanks for comment, follow me if you want and I follow you!
xx ftb.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous photos lady! i want those h&m pants.


Claire said...

you look fucking awesome.

Laura Gerencser said...

Love all your jewelry!!

s said...

Love the necklace...AND the swiss dot blouse with the leopard belt works so well!

Taylor Sterling said...

girl you look beautiful! I love you in red!

English Rose ♥ said...


lovelovelove this whole look!

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

VerseaStyle said...

The first pic set this post off! The colors are unreal. I love your entire outfit! The frolickin' and all! ha ha

Milk and Honey said...

Fantastic necklace, you really have a knack for picking out accessories that pull outfits together so amazingly well.


awesome skinny belt <3



I hope so =)

my goal is to visit NY at least 3 - 4 x a year from now on!

thanks for the polish 411. ;)


Camilla said...

Stunning, Love the glasses :3


Fusseldecke said...

Your shoes are so gorgeous! Thank you for your comment on my blog :-)

Maddie said...

you look amazing, I think I could fall in love with that necklace too!

Belle Armed said...

I love your photos. You look stunning in every single one of them.

Nathalie said...

Loving this outfit. The blouse is sooo gorgeous. And of course so is the necklace

Sylvia etc said...

Just discovered your blog ... and i love it!!!
your pictures are remarkably beautiful, love the light, the kind of 70's vibe going on and the medallion statement necklace that looks really great. will pop by regulalry !!!

Anonymous said...

i can´t say anything...
it´s perfect!

Hayley said...

i LOVE these photos! (and your sunglasses!)

Milly. said...

Hey lovely,

So glad I finally have some time - have literally read all of your posts that I missed :D

So jealous you got some sun...us = none. Just some delicious rain.

LOVE the leopard print, the medallion, the spots, the fur...!!

I'm not sure what University I'm going to pick for my American year. The NY one is the 'state' one and apparently nowhere near?! Someone was suggesting SanFran...? xx

Viva La Fashion said...

love your glasses. :) i'm a little jealous, i want a pair! haha. :)

A said...

The weather looks rather inviting, I told myself "No NYC till Spring..." but hey, its looking mighty fine here... or is that just because your and your fabulousness graces these photos?
My god this has to be one of my favorite yet.


Unknown said...

OMG! Love this outfit, the belt, the red blouse and the picturs are amazing!!

sian said...

i love these pictures! your hair and the blouse and the lipsticckkk! i always think short chains look funny, but the medallions cool.

frolicking men being the cherry on top there, haha

my blog!! its new & needs readers :)



Girl I just love youre style, youre blog is soo cute!

all love ida

Kookie B. said...

gaaah. love the trousers and the medallion bling, girl!


Luna said...

I love this outfit, your pendant is amazing.

Theory of fashion victim

Mademoiselle Rock'n'Roll said...

Love your photoss!!

Thanks for your comment!=)

Following you, I hope that you follow me too!




This outfit is great! I love that top, very cute. Also, the leopard print belt really looks great with the pants and the red top. Great blog =) Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving such a sweet comment! xoxo


cocorosa said...

hahaha.. yeah... snow....
Im loving the jacket, and blouse and er everything actually :)

E said...

I just adore you photos, as always. And that medallion is my new obsession, too (sounds cheesy, now I re-read how that came out, but I I would love a piece like that).

drollgirl said...

what a beautiful color on a cold wintry day!

i am wearing a giant pendant on a short chain today, too. and it is RADICAL. fab look. :)

leeselooks said...

hey gorgeous!

yes - just moved to nyc about a month ago !
i am canadian- but lived in south africa for 4 years - now i am going to FIT !
should definitely grab coffee sometime soon.

hoping this snow lets up soon !


Anonymous said...

im a new follower!

Sonum said...

Your hair is awesome and that pendant is beautiful!

Prutha Raithatha said...

as i said on LB ...this is my fav look by u


UnoCosa said...

girl - the nasty snow we are having here!!! i like what you did w/ the 1st photo, xx

michelle_ said...

i freakin' love ur red top and the big necklace ! you make vintage look very "in" somehow..

many thanks for the sweet comments .
visit - follow - comment me

Charmalade said...

I love the color tone of these photos, they always look great!

That medallion definitely pops, I really like the outfit's silhouette (you're rockin' it!).

Toast with Charmalade

Alva said...

Oh, you are just adorable. I am in love with the outfit. Especially the polkadot shirt!

Alva said...

Oh, you are just adorable. I am in love with the outfit. Especially the polkadot shirt!

Unknown said...

your style is freaking AMAZING!

Sarah said...

that necklace is gorgeous! and it duits so well to the rest of your outfit!

Dare said...

Greatį outfit and blog :) Really like the colors of these pictures

Dare said...

Greatį outfit and blog :) Really like the colors of these pictures

raita 2 said...

wow you're gorgeous, these photos rock! :D


Anonymous said...

Big up for the ftb's big fat cluthes!

Me think I need one (how to proceed though, since my emails have been unsuccessful so far?:)

The Fancier said...

Your necklace is my obsession too, so damn sweet! The red blouse and leopard belt combo is splendid.

fadetoblack said...

Hi anonymous....

there have been a few peeps that say they've emailed me and I as of yet I still haven't received them in my inbox... I hope my email isn't broken:/

so pls do not think that I'm ignoring you... because I do try answer all my emails ...

pls try again ftbnewyork@gmail.com

Manon said...

Great photos!
And I can see why you love that necklace. It's gorgeous!

Soooali said...

Ahhh I almost died when I saw this! SO beautiful!

KP said...

love the necklace and those pants are perf xo

hannah, heart city said...

great pants, and love that lippy!

by Sutton said...

ah i love the tone of these shots. they are great!


fashionjunkie said...

Wow! I found you on Chictopia and am glad i decided to check out your blog, your style is very inspiring and i have enjoyed reading your posts.


Anonymy said...

I really like the style of your photos... your blog is one of my favourites!


Unknown said...

I always love your jewelry selections!!! so amazing.

I'm doing good... missing nyc already. thanks for asking! <3


Christina said...

Love your belt. (:

Irene said...

your outfit is just perfect!

darwin said...

i love the coloring in these images, the necklace is gorgeous as well, gotta love the frolicking men!

Rule of Fashion said...

love the colour coordination

checkout my shopping blog

Anonymous said...

I heart the necklace in a big way. Great find! xo Mish


ak said...

the medallion looks stunning with your outfit..definitely a great piece


ak said...

the medallion looks stunning with your outfit..definitely a great piece


What is Reality Anyway? said...

xoxo miss you gorgeous girl

Joanne Faith said...

Photos are so beautiful. I love how the polkadot top is warn, all bunchy and loose. I don't think I've thought about a pendant in such proportions...it looks quite nice!


StuddedLilly said...

i'm in love with your blog..its amazing, love your style!


Ainhoa said...

thanks for commenting on my blog! love the belt, nice picturess:)

Ani said...

Love your outfit :)


Hun, you are on the homepage of chictopia! Congrats! =] Love your outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

& how awesome that you have joined the giveaway!

O, and I have been to the hairdresser last week! So it's actually shorter! Hahaha!

Enjoy your weekend!!!!

Enter the GIVEAWAY contest with Queens Wardrobe

cat said...

spring ist cominggg yay! great outfit girl! and love the necklace too! xx cat
CiTiEs ob B

Anne said...

awesome pictures :)
great outfit too, love the top !

chloe said...

that is SWEEET!! in fact i love the whole polka-dotty-small-leopard-print-belty outfit!!
hm, i have to start digging out my blings, i have a boxfull and your medallion reminded me of something...

iliketweet said...

That top image is utterly beautiful. Plus your outfit is top notch!



Anonymous said...

hyped this on lookbook!
those trousers are gorgeous :)

Audrey Allure said...

Stunning outfit, gorgeous necklace! I also love your hair :)

closet obsessions said...

absolutely amazing. beautiful coloring.


eesa said...

holy guac!necklace+rings are so good, as is your entire outfit+lipcolor is great

Anonymous said...

The proportions of that necklace makes it so much cooler! Love the look, especially those amazing trousers.

Jessica said...

Love your outfit!
Looks very vintage

Jess x


Stacy said...

Love this post!
Now following and I have linked you :)

Stace x


That Girl Lucy said...

gorgeous, as usual
i love that huge pandant!
and i neeeed your boots girl

Hanna ja Anni said...

I love your absolute sense of style !

Anna said...

you are rocking this outfit. love the top!


shoeless simone said...

The way you edit your pictures is amazing! The colors are so vibrant. I wish my pictures could look this good!
I love this outfit, the blouse is so cute

-Shoeless Simone

The Sydney Girl said...

awweeesome pics!

FrouFrouu said...

BAH you gorgeous thing. This is perfection, I want everything you're wearing.

You MUST come next season, I want you in our LFW posse. BRAP.

Barbarella said...

Is Very nice!!!
love your Outfit!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look like you belong in a magazine editorial! Your outfit and photos are magnificent!



Unknown said...

you have some sick style girlfran. love it.

helen xx

Jessica said...

Love this look! Those are amazing trousers...I wish I had a pair!

emily said...

i'm in love with your style! the pendant is gorgeous and so is the color of your blouse.
