

Trousers: H&M
Belt: TopShop
Top: Zara
Cardigan: Vintage
Hat: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
Nail color: Urban Outfitters
Lip color: Kat Von D "Backstage Bambi"

Wednesday night I was lucky enough to go to the Kate Spade store in soho where Rebecca Ward had made this awesome instalation of neon pink and yellow tape.
See here pictures here.
The outfit above is what I wore that night!! 
If anyone knows me they know I love neon pink!! still trying to find the perfect pink lip shade but the backstage Bambi is pretty good :)

What I loved most about this event was that we had arts and crafts to play with YAY!.
There were rolls upon rolls of the neon tape that you could use to decorate these little kate spade books that they gave out!

Here's a silly video of me conjuring up a ring out of tape. HA!
(MUSIC: Florence+the machine - "kiss with a fist")

I chose my signature lips hehe!! one day I will find a color bright enough to match this tape!!


Berta said...

q guapaaaaaa!!!! de verdad!!! jooo me encanta tu estilo!! ajajaj
un besoo

Niky Casadei said...

L<3ve the Shoes.


Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Love it! The nailcolor is crazy, the lipstick color as well.
Gorgeous top and jewelry!
x, fashionnerdic

daisychain said...

this is like my ideal outfit.

Anonymous said...

jealous of your hair!


Nadine said...

love the outfit!


Rock Couture said...

Dang girl...You look so cute

Guiltyhyena said...

Lipstick colour looks acapulco! The shoulders and shoes speak volumes :)

Annachiara Savio said...

You're faaantastic!!! :D Loove your tee...your shoes!!!favolous outfit darling...as always!!! :D

Karen said...

Love it : )

Karen x

Ina said...

Beautiful! And I´m loving the shoes! :)

Anonymous said...

thats an amazing outfit dear!!
I love leo print

btw my blog is private now...
if you want to continue following me then just send me an email to: theuniqorn@hotmail.de
I just need your googlemail address and the name of your blog :)

Tay said...


The Fashion Cloud said...

Your pictures are always so full of life, it's so refreshing <3
fun video too haha


Fashion Wh0re said...

Love your outfit and those glasses is cute..

simonesays said...

I can't even remember how I came across your blog, but this whole post confirms how happy I am to have done that. I love your blog. This outfit is impeccable, along with the photography - and whenever you post little videos, I can't resist.

For The Fierce said...

damnnnn, those shoulders are fierce!

This is Jade FM said...

rockin outfit girl!!! i love it so much!!! the jeffrey campbell shoes *.* aww so lovely! love your style :D
xoxo Jade

Mar Estarellas said...


H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

Seriously LOVE this! The sequinned shoulders on the striped tee are amazing!

What a great event :)



Christina said...

I love how you're so colorful. (:

SabinePsynopsis said...

So much fun! The bright pink lipstick and leopard accessoires - So you! Great!

Kira Aderne said...

all is so great about this look! The shoes, the shoulder t-shirt and the pants!

Love it so much!

Maddie said...

aw cheers on the compliment :) i'm always uncertain and judgemental on my vocals!

and these photos are awesome, love the outfit and energy :) your video's so fun

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

wooow wow wow! dunno what i love more... amazing tee and shoes! and ur jewelery, nail polish...stunning! love it so much. u r my fashion icon girl;) seriously!

Unknown said...

I love your photos :D Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

wow i always love your videos they are so loveable =) great pictures

cat said...

great i love this!!! and neon pink rocks! xx cat
CiTiEs of B

No Life Till Leather said...

I love your style! I came to your blog ... as Fade to Black is my favorite song, and so I wanted to call the blog :) Great pfotos

Soooali said...

Mmm the shoes are delish. LOVE a bit of leopard print!

bravegrrl said...

you really have great hair


bravegrrl said...

you really have great hair


Cheyne said...

When I went on my trip to New York last month I tried on that sweater! I ended up getting a lightweight coat instead which totally ripped in the wash....should've gone with the sweater. Anyways looks great! :D


Unknown said...

Your style is insane, so ahead of it's time! I can barely keep up with you ;)

s said...

Sailor stripes! Love.

Robyn S. said...

Hehe, that looks like such fun! Gotta love arts and crafts. :) Thanks for mentioning where your nail color is from-- I've been looking for a sea foam color, so I'll be keeping my eyes open the next time I go to Urban. You didn't list your rings though! I'm such a sucker for interesting, unique rings.

Thanks for your sweet comment over at Chi-Chi ,


Anna-Lena said...

awesome outfit...i especially love your shirt...with wonderful shoulder-pads...you look fantastic!wish you a nice weekend!

vnssa906 said...

loving that top. nautical stripes and embellished shoulders :) niiice

Lexi Colby said...

ahh! why are you so inspirational?
i love all of your looks and you always are doing the coolest most creative things

your stop motions are incrediblee xx

Kookie B. said...

hot, hot, hot shoes! and those trousers and top are love!

do send me some love over at deathbyplatforms.blogspot.com

viviaan said...

those photos are beyond cool, seriously. i love the ones where your beautiful hair is flying everywhere. bloooody awesome :) xx

Tayler Worrell said...

Love these photos! I wish i could look good tossing my hair like this. very jealous <3
and I kinda changed it a little bit, the music, size of the title and sidebar colors. :)


Emm said...

i really like the pants! And of course the lips =)

(love florence & the machine)!


Unknown said...

wowzers I would love to have that color in my room! =] it look amazing lol your artistic creating of a ring out of tape is pretty great too! lol

sui said...

amaaazing. love the photo where it seems like you're suspended in air. so hot. XD

Leah said...

You are fabulous... the shoulder detail of the top is awesome. Happy weekend! xoxo

Vinda Sonata said...

i really like the photographs and the styling. you really own a signature style, and i really admire you for that. i love your hair, too, and the overall colors of the photographs are beyond cool.

kate spade's good at impressing us with colorful stuffs, i agree with you. thanks for sharing! i'll be staying tuned for your next entries. i'm such a fan! :)

apparellel said...

gorgeous! love the top, and the shoes are amazing!!
have you tried nars schiap and illamasqua has a great bright pink. i'm looking at the bottom of my lipstick and it apparently is nameless. anyway it's a lot like shiap. i love that you love lipstick as much as me. and especially bright colored ones. but you look so absolutely fantastic in all of them!!


I V Y said...

hah i love it!


i seriously love everything, the boots, fur and shoulder pads. i lovee your blog:)


Sonum said...

Those shoes are killer! Youre so photogenic!

Louise said...

i love that you love neon bright color as much as i do! I don't care if they look to catchy in my skin color. I loveeed the mix of textures, colors and prints on your outfit.

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

LOVING those lips girl!! and that hair...beautiful!!


Meggstatus said...

Jeffrey Cambell is probably my hero- or at least my affordable shoe saint. These are no exception, they are amazing.

Poli said...

flawless! you look awesome! this shoes could become the substitte for those pip toeby Alexander Wangm, which i'm dying for..

tnx for stopping at my blog! would be glad to seeu there again. moreover, i'vejust share my trend's prediction.. check it out here! http://fashion-wrapper.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-york-fashion-week-hot-trends-my-own.html

Margaux said...

I love your nail polish!

The Sound of Lace said...

lovin those shoes!
and neon pink and yellow are GREAT together.
dont worry about the skirt...i know your busy, so whenever! ;)


HeatherClark said...

i always always admire your lipstick shades...youve definitely inspired me to try something a bit more risky..im thinking a neonish orange...prob gonna head to mac this weekend hopefully

love all your accessories too :)


Ally said...

love love your shoes...

Jessica said...

Those shoes. Oh my, they are amazing!

Stop by my blog and enter my giveaway!

Anonymous said...

You've got a fresh sense of style. Love it. That ring actually is cool!

Style Stars said...

AWESOME photos! loving the neon && the leopard print shoes!!!


fall in love with caroline blomst...

John Bernal said...

Awesome action pics!

Unknown said...

Stoked to see it's all good in your hood! The Bambi lip be a pretty pink neon and match them shoes with the greatest of ease. Dig Kate Spade...

Kaleido Mind said...

i thought your pictures were from a magazine when i first stumbled across your page!

Analisa said...

Those shoes are so great! & you always have the best lipstick, haha

Morning Cloak said...

It's no surprise you're a stylist - you've got that eclectic look down pat :)

Melly said...

I love your outfits. Very cool and beautiful. ☺

Laura said...

Nice look!!!
I follow you


Couture said...

Beautiful outfit! Love the lipstick colour!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! you look just awesome.

Fashion Nicotine said...

That's hot!!
Love your shoes, I want them =D

iliketweet said...

Love this look! Great outfit posts :)
Your blog is dead good.



Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

Great pics!!
and I love your outfit.

I'll follow your blog right now!

Posh said...

Great look and photos!

Aleisha-Rose said...

Love the nail color! I need to get me some!

Amazing blog!



Anonymous said...

thankyou for your comment. cute outfit girl! the shoes are lovely...


Velvet Rose said...

love this pics! =D great!

Rock N Revolution said...

Fab and sexy - not to mention colorful!!!

Unknown said...

woah love the bright colors on you.. the lipstick + nailpolish... and your outfit!

PS. It was a pleasure getting to talk to you at chictopia10! I just read your profile... didn't realize you're a designer! :O jewelry or clothes?


Ruben Urgal said...

menuda preciosidad!!

Dressed4Success said...

wOOo...amazing LOOKK... i LOVE all tghat you are wearingggggggg!! ...so original the pink ring..I have similar hehe!!*

Visit my last POST of MADRiD FASHION WEEK!! =;-D



Dressed4Success said...

wOOo...amazing LOOKK... i LOVE all tghat you are wearingggggggg!! ...so original the pink ring..I have similar hehe!!*

Visit my last POST of MADRiD FASHION WEEK!! =;-D



Initials.CC said...

we love your shoes!!



Anonymous said...

U look amazing!!!


B a la Moda said...

OMG! You are amazing! Love your style and your pictures!! And even the silly video. Very creative.

B* a la Moda

Vertiginoso said...

Mmmh Actually I really like the way your sandals' animal prints "fetishistically" match these pictures' so Roaring / electrifying vibrancy !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Desired Youth said...

Okay so first:
1. I love the bright colored lipsticks you use!
2. I so knew those were Jeffrey Campbell's and I have no idea why I did.
3. LOVE those trousers.
4. cool hair pictures!
And last but not least: Love that shirt!

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

loving the shoulder details of the shirt! i'm thinking of doing a DIY...

and my eyes literally bowled over with the neon tapes! i love neon! i just painted my nails neon pink..hehe.

♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

S said...

Bahaha I LOVE those shots because your hair looks mad-amazing-super-cool! ELECTRIC even!

It looks like FUN!! :D

Wallflower said...

Your blog is amazing and so is this post!

the style crusader said...

oh i love your shoes!! you always have on the most amazing outfits! xx

Anonymous said...

gurllll, your shoes and shoulders are faaaaaabulous.
this looks like a pretty cool night!

Hayley said...

i loveee these photos!!

Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Thanks dear! My jewelry is avaible here: http://shop-fashionnerdic.blogspot.com/
Soon I will add even more jewelry to the shop!

Mikaela Urbom said...

Really nice pics!
Love your shoes!! :D

downtwnfoxybrown said...

love the lips, shoes everything! <3

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

jacqui alvendia said...

loving this post!! insanely cool. all. of. it. basically oooooooobsessed.

clara said...

stunnig!! love your blog

FashionJazz said...

U are look fantastic here hun!!!!!U rock! xx

P R I M O E Z A said...

love the collage!

Bella said...

that tape is immense! I have some great neon pink lipstick which I bought for £2... it's some stage makeup-clubbingish brand :) xxx

Karen Monardez said...

Love it!!!


Unknown said...

fab pics i love your outfit xxx

cecilia said...

haha I guess so, that was thursday. lovely pictures and amazing clothes, I really like the stripped shirt with marked scoulders

stylefrontier said...

love your outfit! and the kate spade event looks so fun!

Ani said...

Nice outfit :)

Marta said...

I ab-so-lu-tely adore your outfit here! Those shoes are to die for!

Anonymous said...

awesomee shirtt!! the big shoulders look divinee!! <3

Heart Charlie said...

I love this post!! I love the epaulets on your breton shirt, brilliant! Also love the video ;)

Victoria said...

OO Awesome post ! :D Love your outfit- as always- and the tape- man thats so cool :D

G Tauberge said...

love the feel of your photos, and those shoes? to die for.


Manon said...

You have such a great style!
I love your top.

Heather said...

That looks like a fun project. Haha. And love the shoes!

Piter said...

Amazing top! The specs looks great on you! :)

MDS* said...

Love all your pictures!


Lucine said...

Great look for such an event :)) and I love your pink ring ;)

Rachel Nguyen said...

Very cool installation! And you are soooo cute! I wish you said hi at the Chictopia party! Did you have fun there?

Rachel Nguyen said...

Very cool installation! And you are soooo cute! I wish you said hi at the Chictopia party! Did you have fun there?

Friend in Fashion said...

GORGEOUS!!!! Love the shoes and the shoulder detalining - rocking it girl!!! :)

Andie said...

your photos are always awesome!
and im lovin the shoulder detail on you top



OH MY GOSHHHH. So fierce. I love your lipstick and those hair shots are SO hair commercial.

And hahaha. When I saw those pieces of tape I was like "Huh. Looks like the ones at Kate Spade." Oh. DUUUH.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Ugly Cute said...

this is so awesome! and i love your outfit, as always


Taylor Sterling said...

you are so creative girl! love it!


That tee is just stunning! Loveee the outfit, hun!

Erika said...

GEMMA!!!!!!! this is so inspiring for what i have been working on! thank you this is so cool! looks like it was a LOT of fun!

the goorgeous said...

You loook stunning! love that pants and that shoes! well done!!

N AT A S H A said...

Neon pink in my fav. Your has now become my favourite. X

Milly. said...

This looks SO FUN.
I wish I was there instead of at college...! haha. LFW was awesome though.

Also J'adore those shoulders...?! I'm desperate for a similar top xx

Anacecilia said...

best of luck finding that lipstick!! love the shoes, shirt, accessories and pants!

Valencia Lia said...

Ding ding! Announcement:You're offically my fashion muse girl:) You do inspire me daily yayyy

I hope I didn't use it in a wrong way heee Adore the details with the shoulders on your top and those heels ! Ahhhhhh I love it.

Hair flip shots are perfect,you should be a model. Those colorful tapes,did you manage to take one roll back??

I debut your clutch on my blog too<3

JMay said...

Your a rockstar...that is all :-)

Selma Daddi said...

I just discovered you on lookbook so I came on your blog and I like your style and I love your nail color on these photos too.
If Urban Outfitters could be created in France ...

Prutha Raithatha said...

ha...i live like 2 blocks from the soho store...i love the new display...


The Fancier said...

Unbelievably covet-worthy shoes! Anything leopard wets my whistle.

Crissy said...

So far the brightest pink lippie I've seen is Stila's "Exhilarating". It's amazing and super pigmented!

Anna said...

fun pictures! I LOVE YOUR STYLE :)


Lea Hendrix said...

YOu've got an amazing style! Love your blog!
check mine & tell me what you think: http://thisisleahenrix.blogspot.com

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you rock...!



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