

Blazer: Hellz Bellz
Top: Layered Vintage
Hat: H&M
Leggings: Miss Selfridges
Boots: Jeffery Cambell
Nails: Essie - "bright tights"
Jewellery: Various

Ok first of all I want to say how much I looove this blazer from Hellz Bellz.
Apart from being Made from Jersey it has these black panels which sets it apart from all the other million blazers out there! Also Cannot wait to see their new Spring 2010 line!!

And also can we just talk about my new favorite lip color for a sec?
It's an intense lipgloss made by illamasqua - color name: FIERCE! Still in love with my orange lippy of course but I love to spice it up a bit ! ;)


Rock Couture said...

I LOVE the pics!!! Amazing outfit!!

Mila said...

So totally love this!! Big furry hats are awesome:)


Brittany said...

eeek! Lookin' good Gemma!

Friend in Fashion said...

luuurrrveee the purple lips hun - and the fab shoes - you are AMAZING!!! :)

Lexi Colby said...

i swear, you can pull off any lip color. it's un real.

:) xx

Ally said...

so in love with your shoes...and blazer...stunning

Valerie said...

your shoes are fab

Ring My Bell said...

Those boots are gorgeous... Seriously making me question my restraint when I saw them in the LF sale. Damn you!

Unknown said...

The lip color looks AMAZE on you darlin!

Love the jacket! Glad to see you're a HELLZ fan as well! ♥


apparellel said...

i love the purple lips with the pop of orange. doesn't illamasqua have some gorgeous color. wow!
i'm also diggin' on the blazer!


Sabrina said...

your shoes are INCREDIBLE
you lipgloss is AMAZING
how else can i tell you how much i love your blog?!

Sabrina said...

your shoes are INCREDIBLE
you lipgloss is AMAZING
how else can i tell you how much i love your blog?!

For The Fierce said...

this whole ensemble is FIERCE. From the faux fur to the sick boots <3

Maria Irene said...

love the shoes!

Annie, Time Enough for Drums said...

I love your shoes and totally wish I could pull off those neon lips. So stunning! Annie.

s said...

I'm going to steal your shoes.
You can keep the lip gloss... it would make me look like a cadaver!

N AT A S H A said...

Orange nails, purple lips. Reoooowww. You can pull off anything. X

Toni said...

--> http://tomorrow-can-wait.tumblr.com

Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

I adore your lip collor!awesome.

shoeless simone said...

Amazing! I love your shoes and hat

-Shoeless Simone

Lin_me said...

I'm a bit scared of coloured lips but you make it look sooooo good.

Emm said...

i wore orange lipstick on the weekend and couldnt handle it, it had to come off half way through the night or it would have been all over my face hah. I will try again with it soon though cause i love it
(p.s- can't wait!)


Ray said...

Your boots are so so flawless!
Love your style very much.
Your lucky to live in such a great city!



That Girl Lucy said...

gorgeous outfit!
loving the fur hat & grey jersey blazer.
and those are some seriously wicked boots!

That Girl Lucy said...

Oh and yeah, mega fierce lips (which you pull off soo easily) and love the orange nails :)

FashionHippieLoves said...

great look!


Nicole Jarecz said...

helll yeah, love that hat!!

HeatherClark said...

that really is a great blazer. i love things like that where little details set it apart..not to mention it looks comfy

love the lips too as usual


Unknown said...

loved those shoes!
and that lipgloss is super cool, suits you!

sela designs said...

great blog ! thanks for liking my art - I am following & would love u to follow mine as well :)


Anonymous said...

gorgeous lips, purple is my fave color!


The Sound of Lace said...

gimme those shoes!!


Kimmy Davis said...

The lips, the nails, the hair, the blazer...everything is LOVE. So fabulous!


Mikaela Urbom said...

Gorgeous!! :D

C.Chico said...

hot Hellz blazer!

Lorena said...

I love this look, especially the big furry hat!


Mikkel said...

Love the lipgloss! You look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS lip color, im in love
great hat as well
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for the sweet comments, love it!


Sharon said...

these pictures are so beautiful!
i love yoursite,


Camilla said...

That blazer is the shiz.
Cant wait to see those designs your working on! xx


Anonymous said...

my fav. is the second pic! :)

~ http://hellomisschic.blogspot.com

Mila said...

Love the lipstick and nails <3 <3
But shoooooes!Amazing.

em said...

a BIG the same to you!

Nadine said...

Love this outfit!
one of my favourites!

Annachiara Savio said...

Super cooool...super fantastic!!! Looove it darling :D

SabinePsynopsis said...

Absolutely love your blazer! The perfect combination of comfy and cool.

cleo said...

love your outfit:)great lyring:)the shoes are great too!

ColorHater said...

I like the blazer, it's great :)


laura said...

love the shots and wow, what a lip colour, fantastic!

Rianna said...

The lips look awesome
Rianna Bethany xxx

Anonymous said...

HOT!! I love the lipgloss so much.

Gia said...

Girl you look hot, the fur and the purple lips, just crazy:)
I wish you a very fashionable week!


Caylen said...

Love everything about this outfit! Love your purple lip gloss especially!


Anonymous said...

The nails are gorgeous! love the color

Enter my giveaway to win a beret for spring!


cinnam0n~ said...

this purple lipgloss is soooo cool!!! and im officially in love with ur shoes!! <3<3<3

Ivelina FriChic said...

It is impossibly rad the way this hat fits you!!!

Kookie B. said...

damn! those creeper shoes are killer! and i'm still amazed by those fruity purple lips!


Polliani said...

fierce.. love the shoes

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous boots!<3

xoxo M.

TĂ­scar Espadas said...

i love you blog! yes, is genious! :)

TĂ­scar Espadas said...

i love you blog! yes, is genious! :)

Andie said...

woah that is some wicked lip gloss, loves it
and those boots are fierce!


MyStrawberryCocktail said...

so amazing!! love ur hat! i always love touching these fur things:D:D:D your entire outfit is stunning and i really love ur lipstick:) so original color:)

thank u for ur caring comment. i have some problems now, anyways i hope its gonna be ok soon:)

have a nice rest of our day my dear! xoxo

Suzi said...

HI Gemma!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jennie told me about yours too.. LOVE IT! LOVE your style... gonna send all my fashion lovers over to your blog right now!
Keep it up and hope your well stateside, jealous!



Suzi said...

HI Gemma!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jennie told me about yours too.. LOVE IT! LOVE your style... gonna send all my fashion lovers over to your blog right now!
Keep it up and hope your well stateside, jealous!



Rue des Modèles said...

so amazing style and pictures!

Nathalie said...

oh wow, you so make me want to experiment with lip colours... absolutely great this colour on you

elora said...

love that blazer!

VerseaStyle said...

These pics are too cute! Love the hat, boots, necklace and of course the blazer (I might as well have said everything!). xoxox


the lips and nails are fantasticcccc!! what camera do you use??

Fabulocity in Amish Country said...

This is amazing! :) Loveeeeeee that hat!

She Wears, She Shares said...

I purchased a M.A.C lip gloss similar to this color. It was called "Ever So Rich" but the color didn't come out well. It looks great on you. Will have to pick one up! Thanks for the link.

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Yes, that lip gloss simple rocks!! I love your fierce fur hat too! xoxoxoxo

The Haute Bitch said...

love that hat. i've been meaning to do a post with my hat like that too!


Lolitta said...

the lip gloss is SO CUTE! Fierce is the appropriate name for it!


Kinga S said...

i really love the shoes.
and your lipstick, whooa.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that hat is the BEST!!



SabinePsynopsis said...

I'm back, I'm back - Just to say I've passed on a little award to you today, to show how much I love your blog! (And first comments already approve of it... U R so popular!)

Unknown said...

your blazer =O <3

sasha b. said...

I love that you're daring enough to wear such bright lipstick! it looks awesome on u! and i loveee jerffrey campbell. I'm always drooling over his shoes

Milly. said...

So jealous you can pull these amazing colours off...! Think I'll be attempting some orange nail polish this week though - inspired ;)

Lotsoflove xxx

Soooali said...

God bless Jeffrey Campbell...those shoes are AMAZING!

Ruth @ xruthloves said...

Lovely post as usual
Love the lipsticccccck
You may like my newest post.. Orange lippy, partially inspired by you! :) xxxxx

Bohemian said...

Love it! Great Blog!

@dannikaa said...

i looveeeee this

Anacecilia said...

you have the prettiest hair!! love your hat!

Daniella said...

i loveee the jeffery campbell's! and the lipstick is amazzzzing.

Daniella said...

i loveee the jeffery campbell's! and the lipstick is amazzzzing.

WC said...

love love the lip color! xx

A said...

will you please keep killing me with your shoe collection/selection. Damn woman!


June said...

i dig the lipstick

Nina said...


Unknown said...

you totally rock it dear! you look so fab!


Move said...

great outfit, love ur violet lips and your leopard boots, they're amazing!


Analisa said...

I LOVE ILLAMASQUA! They have the best lipgloss!!! :)

Anonymous said...

wow amazing shoes/outfit in general. i'm getting a stockholm streetstyle vibe!

mel said...

absolutely LOVE you outfit, looks great on you, and i am also really loving your lip colour, so cool. and your hair is so amazing!
following your fab blog


Couture said...

Great outfit! I love the colour of your nail polish!


Anonymous said...

great look

Valencia Lia said...

Girl,how does your hair look so gorgeous all the time? I need tips tips girl heeee

Wooo,what's the pattern of your jacket? I bet it looks awesome. Ohhh and you pull off any lip color so well.

Carrie R., NJ said...

always love your shoes...wish i had them all!

guildedsecret. said...

ah! you seriously have the best makeup purchases! you should feature your lipstick collection :)

saw the clutch you created for "roll up your sleeve" - you are AMAZING.... too cute and too talented!


Berta said...

you always perfect!!! really like ypur pics!!!


H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

LOVE this so much, it might even be one of my faves of your outfits! The furry hat, the gorgeous lips, the chains, the boots... simply amazing :)



The F Word Online said...

hey girl, sorry for the late response. life is feeling just a little too unorganized and crazy, ha. how ive missed you so ! that fur hat is def your thing, i love it. and that wild lippy.

xx lue

Grace said...

That really is a FIERCE lipstick! And your nail color is fantastic!

Love Grace.

Vint junky said...

These were my favourite leopard print boots, i adore them.
And that lipgloss is truly fierce!

Anonymous said...

love the orange nail polish!
amazing shoes

bryna said...

Amaaazing! So fierce!

michelle_ said...

loving that chain necklace and fur hat very much !
not to mention hot opaque lilac lips !

leeselooks said...

THANKS b e a u t y !

you are on fire - so hot.

thanks for being so sweet - are you living in the city ?


Connie said...

I love the blazer as well! The black panels are perfect.

The Heartbreak

WENDY said...

wow.. everything here is matched perfectly! i;m inspired.. and even more inspired by the shots :)
the orangey nail paint is good. <3

i'm linking you up!
great blog :)

Jess said...

Ahhh LOVE the lips and nails. Colour POP!

Hayley said...

i continue to be amazed by your photos :)

Unknown said...

I love that lipgloss!!!


Adrianna Traxler said...

those shoes are wicked amazing and im drooling as i type this..ha i just love them!

JUST JIN... said...

UUuuummm...I'm in love with your lip color + that hat is dope! Great look!

Sonum said...

I LOVE that lip color! Its so original.

Unknown said...

love your stuff, would love to work with you sometime

VĂ¢niaMoure said...

I love your work. the lip gloss is amazing!! xoxo

Kimberley said...

Love your hat. its fabulous.


Papillon Vintage said...

Oh my God. Those leopard creeper heels are just perfection!

Jessica said...

Your blazer is so rad!
Love the shapes,
I have to go out nd get ur hat!

Jess x


The Sydney Girl said...


Matthew Spade said...

creeper boots, nice one

Anonymous said...

Jeffery Campbell boots, freaking beastttt<3 he's genius!!!

Emmett Katherine said...

i really, really, REALLY love that blazer. its not at all stuffy or office like. its GREAT!