

Whats better than saying I <3 you than with Leopard print, tile and neon pink paint?


Jess said...

Gorgeous! Happy v day sweet!

Farahdiena NF said...

aw this is cute!


Lolitta said...

aww, how cute! I love your blog and thank you so much for stopping by showing me some love ;)


Ugly Cute said...

love it, happy vday!


S said...

Ooo that's so creative! Happy V day! :) I see you had yellow nails in your last post - come check out my first ever giveaway for a spot of YELLOW! You'll be in for a treat! :)

Kookie B. said...

haha. cool video! happy hearts day babe!


Taylor Sterling said...

very cute! So creative! Happy V Day girl!

John Bernal said...

AWWW. I put up a video too but instead of being creative like you, I stole one off of youtube. Happy Valentine's Day!

shoeless simone said...

Wow that's so cool! Happy Valentine's day!

-Shoeless Simone

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Happy Love day!!


That Girl Lucy said...

love it! just made my single valentines day a whole lot happier :)

Friend in Fashion said...

LOVE This! :)

UnoCosa said...

have V-day, darling!!! loveee the animation!!! xx

Petitebine said...

This is so cool!

Elizabeth, Delightfully Tacky said...

Happy V day!

totally unrelated: I always love your nail colors.

soph // and other things said...

Love it! Happy VDay!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's day

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

ohh this is so cute!:)
i know it was already yesterday...anyways happy valentine's day!:-*

Move said...

love the video!

happy heart days


MELISSA Z. said...

amazing video! sooo sweet!


English Rose ♥ said...

Hope you hada great day!

Merci beaucoup for your sweet comment darling =]

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

anon said...

great video! i must learn to make one someday.

Rock Couture said...

So Cute Happy V DAY!~!!!

Nina said...

Happy V Day!

Left you an award in my post just now ... please come get it?

Brown and Cappuccino said...

Hello, thank you very much for your comment in my blog.

By the way, I made some modifications in my blog and I change the adress, now is brownandcappuccino.blogspot.com, don´t forget to note my new adress and visit my new page :)

Kiss from Portugal***

FashionJazz said...

Happy Vday hun!! I luved this! xxx

Luna said...

this is soo cool, even though I hate valentines day.

Theory of a fashion victim

Ruth @ xruthloves said...

lepoard <3

Marla Singer said...

lovely! nice vid <3

elora said...

HEY! i'm passing "The Beautiful Blog Award" and "The Creative Blogger Award" on to you! so that means that (if you want) you can post 7 random facts about yourself and then tag 7 other bloggers.

elora =]

Soooali said...

I love this!

s said...

very cool! hope you had a happy VD.

Meggstatus said...

This totally made my day, you are fabulous!

Danielle Barbe said...

oh this is awesome.

your blog just KILLS me it's so good.

E said...

That's awesome. I've always wanted to try stop animation.

Anonymous said...

haha too cute for words! love leoparddd <3

Emm said...

So amazing =)!
p.s-i'll send the Q&A tonight


alexs said...


Victoria said...

That is soo cool ! :) Happy Heart Day !! :)

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

awww this is so cute! love it!

you can't beat neon pink & leopard print haha :)



Hayley said...

this is beautiful <3

em said...

happy heart day to you!

a little bit late, anyway.
Goodlooking you...

Anonymous said...

This is EPIC!!!! I hope you had a wonderful V day. Lots of love.

erin meagan said...


Valencia Lia said...

Such a sweet and creative video! Happy Belated Vday to you too gorgeous:)

KP said...

so loving this xo