Faux Suede Shoes: Primark
Sequined Leggings: Forever 21
Loose Tee: American Apparel
Rings: Dorothy Perkins
Necklaces: Camden Market
OK now I have to share with you that I am in LLLLOOOOOVVVEEEEEE with these leggings... They are floral and sequined, they're falling apart and I'm loosing sequins everyday but I love them and can't stop wearing them...
And OH EM GEE get a load of these shoes HELLO! only £12 at Primark, admittedly they are Faux Suede but at that price who cares :)
Also bought the best fur coat today at Camden Market.... Will post soon!!
Don't you just love an outfit that makes you happy??!! :)++
I Love that you paired those shoes with those leggings <3
those shoes are amazing!
I'm speechless!!!
What an amazing outfit dear
I totally love everything
especially the nails and the shoes
you totally rock
btw I missed london...
camden market was so cool :(
fantastic!! just love it!!! all the best for you in 2010!!! xx cat
CiTiEs of B
Lovely shoes... the color is so gorgeous.
i love those shoes!!
Beautiful sequined leggings!! and those shoes!!! love the colors.
Happy New Year!!
sexy shoes and lovely necklaces !!
Love the sequin, and it makes it ever better that its floral <3
Nice work on the shoes and the colour suits you too. I never thought I'd be coveting orange heels!
the tangerine shoes are killer!
This outfit is perfect, and I love your red lipstick.
tangerine shoes indeed! they are so bright and i adore them. furthermore, i also love your jewelry.
epicly amazing photos, i love them you look stunning xx
So so good. Love the leggings
love the leggings! SO hot!
i am LOVING your blog! i just started to follow you as well :) great photography and sketches. :)
beautiful. I love those shoes and I always love the feel of your photographs. you are gorgeous too! :)
I'm a bit sequined out but the shoes are really cute. I always wonder if cheap shoes are less comfortable than more expensive ones (as far as high heels can be comfy)... Sabine x
I know what you mean about outfits that make you happy. Right now for me its the SHOES. I'm still dying over my Balenciagas.
LOVE those shoes. I think tangerine shoes are my next big lemming!
WOW those shoes are pretty rad! the leggings too!!
thanks for the comment i really like your blog(:
LOVELOVELOVE the leggings and the shoes! awesome!
Can't wait to see the coat, honey :P
Love those shoes so much! Why can everybody else find good stuff in Primark, and I never can! And those leggings are trully awesome. xxx
Girl, you rock!!!
I love this outfit, so damn chic!
The shoes are very cute and the tights are just the hit piece!
Hope you're doing great.
Awesome shoes! They're looking great with your green nails :).
Camden has the best fur coats that's for sure !! Love those sequin leggings. Is there a Forever 21 here in London or do people order online?
those shoes are amazing! I wish I'd bought them when I saw them now!
Those incredible leggings are from F21???? And those shoes are the most magnificent color I never knew I needed in my closet!
I just discovered your blog via lookbook and I really like your pics and your outfits. Xo from Paris
gorgeous shoes!
I just want you to know that I love your blog! Love the name, the sketches you made & your clothes. Your style is fantastic & so are the drawings. I also draw myself and the whole day I have a lot inspiration. But when I want to draw it on paper, my mind get complete blank! I found it pretty amazing that your drawings are so good! With love Elle xx
lovely necklaces and leggins:)
zomg i love this outfit! it does indeed make me happy. the only thing that would make me more happy is if i myself was wearing it. i am drooling over the shoes, and i LOVE your sparkly ring! ~joelle
i'm in love with those shoes! the shade goes so well with the leggings - the whole look is so fab
Wow. Those leggings are so amazing!
Lovely outfit :)
utterly stunning shoes-love some bold xo
a wonderful combo!
those leggings are the coolest thing i've seen in a long time!
i love your leggings too! i do hate when you have things that fall apart on you :( adn you love too much those shoes are super cute too! and we have matching nail color :)
OMG!!! I need the shoes & your leggings - sooo hot! You look fabulous as always :)
Happy new year sweetie!
wow really amazing outfit! <3
Following you!
this is quite a coincidence. i saw your outfit this morning on lookbook, and ive literally been flicking through bloglovin looking for new blogs, your stood out, and thought it was quite wierd that i'd seen your post without ever going on your blog. thought id share.
great post though.
annabelle xx
AMAZING! Love the shoes
Those shoes are now at the top of my must have list.
I love your leggings too - so fun!!! Have a great new year!
the leggings is awesome!! and OMG can't believe those neon pumps are from primark.. sooo cool :))
Hello Darling!
Happy New year!
I loved this photos. Perfect colors. I love colors!!! hahaa
The legging is fabulous.
Hugs, and hugs.
The shoes are amaizing!
Love them!
Those leggings are rad! And you are a fabulous artist!
Gorgeous shoes. For some reason i want a nail polish color that matches those shoes.
Fun mix. GREAT leggings.. and I love those t's from American Apparel.. I wear mine all the time!
Amazing shoes and leggings! I love how you matched your lips to the shoes.
Those shoes are awesome i got some pretty similar ones in electric blue for £12 from Matalan a bit back, and they're just as comfortable as pricier shoes! Did you get them recently as I want another pair.
Love the outfit loads and I'm definitly following your blog.
love your outfit!! and what a great blog you got.. nice to make a discovery like that ;-)
Wow, amazing shoes! <3
Such a hot outfit. Gorgeous!!
LOVE the leggings!!! YUM!
looooooove the leggins! looooooove the shoes!!!!
and love your blog!!!
oh my goodness i love those leggins and those shoes are to die for!!
Hiya there!
These are such cool photos, love the last one :-)
CAMDEN MARKET IS THE BEST! always visit the vintage market there! <3
Oh and thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it.
Panda xx
Orange shoes! So amazing!
LOVEEEEE your steeeez!!!!!!
so fly!!
those leggings and heels are hot as hell.. you have awesome style
link exchange?
come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
fab outfit! :)
love everything about this
oh my gosh this outfit is pure genius. i love everything about it. ahhh amazing!! seriously -- the leggings on their own are amazing, but the contrast with your fingernails and (stunning) shoes makes it soo much better. and the shirt is soo effortless. amazing amazing amazing.
yes that is the best feeling ever! those are awesome. I get such anxiety over things that I love getting ruined/falling apart. I just posted about my favorite boots and I talked about that.
Love the tee too it looks comfy.
I wanted to get those leggings from F21 so bad! But just carrying them from rack to dressing room they were losing sequins. Great color pairings on this outfit.
Love Grace.
p.s. Not a problem in the slightest adding your banner! Happy to do it love!
hey gorgeous!
i love the red lips and the shiny pants!
happy 2010!
I am Denise Katipunera
Those leggings are so great! I love your top & necklaces too :)
I am in love with this outfit! I adore floral leggings, and this sequin version is amazing!
The leggings and shoes are amazing, shocked the shoes are from Primark. I don't know why its still shocking to find something good from there, the stuff has been pretty decent lately.
AWESOME heels. ahh i love that color
Cool! I love the tights!
love this pair of shoes so bad! it is really awesome!
Those leggings are out of this world!! Amazing!! xoxoxoxo
Amazing Outfit!
Oh, those shoes!! <3 Love the green nails too... nice touch
amazing outfit !
Best outfit thus far evah!!!!!!
Karen x
i freakin love those leggings! FOREVER 21 here i come. i'm adding you to my "daily reads" section on my blog :)
OHMYGOSH those leggingsss!
How come mine don't shine those pretty colours in the light?
Best outfit
wow, they're amazing!
Ah thanks! Did they have other colours? I want some bright pink ones : )
Wow I really love the shoes.
My nail polish is from a German drugstore called "Rossmann" and it was really cheap (under 2 €).
gotta love camden market!
sequin leggings are fun to wear, also, i definitely need to get myself to a primark. clearly.
claire x
God I love those shoes
This outfit makes me feel sooo happy!! It's gorgeous!
Adorable leggings!
seriously..i love the shoes
Really nice!!!!
Love the heels!!!!
xoxo amber
Tangerine shoes? Oh my they are lush!
que chulos son tus leggings!!!!
I still have to go to Primark!!!!! I leave tomorrow evening so tomorrow morning will be hectic haha :)
your outfit is perfection!
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