

Sunglasses: Rocawear (10th Anniversary Collection)
Cardigan: Vintage
Tank: American Apparel
Leggings: American Apparel
Jewellery: Various
Cage Boots: Jeffry Campbell
Bag: Coach thrifted

OK here's the first of the clothes shown in the big pile of crap in the previous post...:)

I absolutely love this cardigan, it's the perfect length and the lurex thread is woven into the fabric not painted as some of these kinds of pieces normally are!

And ....ER say hello to my new favorite boots... I know I'm about 10 seasons behind but when I saw them on the sale the other day they just had to be mine mine mine!... can't wait to wear them more in the Spring :)

I Paired it with the usual red lipstick (cheapo brand from Duane Reade (local Drugstore) by Brucci)... and I was ready to go!


farisita said...

I love it all... again... the red cherry on top lipstick ties it all together ;)

xo farisita

downtwnfoxybrown said...

the shoes are SEX.

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Love everything about this! The cardigan and shoes are amazing!

soph // and other things said...

That cardigan is perfect! Great outfit. xx

cat said...

perfect outfit girl! xx cat
CiTiEs of B

Cafe Fashionista said...

Honestly, you are too fabulous for words! And I absolutely adore the fact that your outfit is almost completely neutral colored, then you bring out the red lipstick for a pop of color! Stunning!! :)

La fille d'Avril said...

you look like a total superstar!!

Anonymous said...

you look drop dead gorgeous, that cardigan is a sick one!


Emily said...

oh my gosh that sweater is absolutely incredible!!


Coco said...

Wow! this is chic! love the picture and all of your amazing accessories! Those boot are quite something too! Wow!

-Coco from Our Paper Moon

Louise said...

Hey! I'm audreyj from chictopia. And as I said in there i love this outfit, the cardi is really catchy! I adore your style. I hope you can check out my new blog, it's pretty simple for now ;).

p.s. i think i don't know your name dear!

Victoria said...

Thank you so muuuuch! :)
Oh goodness, loooove these shots ! Great outfit, and the pictures are smashing !

Karen said...

HOT! I love your outfits. You could get dressed with your eyes closed and still look spot on!

The shoes are brilliant!!

Karen x

Tayler Worrell said...

agh gorgeous sweater. I would find it hard not to wear that everyday!


HeatherClark said...

those shoes are awesome! I just ordered the jeffrey campbell tick wedges (with out the studs) and I'm about 10 seasons behind too...not any less excited though :)

adore the cardigan too, great find


Theresa said...

I love this so much! You look wow. Man, I am dying for a cardigan like that!


A said...

gah i love your blog and i am obsessed with your outfit. i love that the lipstick is from duane reade! hahah i get everything from there!!

Unknown said...

love the shoes

sui said...

SO. EFFING. GORGEOUS! the photos are amazing and you are an inspiration. :)

one day I'll go to NYC and we'll collaborate & photoshoot together :D

The Sound of Lace said...

Seriously awesome....I love how you mix expensive stuff with LESS expensive stuff.
Is that cardi itchy cause of the lurex?
Anywho about PR. I loved Jesus's dress (maybe I'm the only one) but I thought they were right in offing Christiane, her dress reminded me of a Windsor dress.
What did you think?


stephanie renee said...

I love your bucket bag, I have been looking for one like that!

FashionHippieLoves said...

wow amazing outfit!
Esoecially the cage shoes!


alex Stoltze said...

these are beautiful pictures! I saw the original boots at NYC fashion week and fell in love with them too!
love the red lipstick!

△▾christine▴▽ said...

gawd this is amazing. you should quit your day job and become a model !

anne said...

love the cardigan! and all the jewelery is so rad!

my empty closet said...

those boots are sick. i love them. kind of jealous, not gonna lie...great shots!

Anonymous said...

love the casual look
simply chic
great mixture of textures, patterns, and layering
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for your lovely comments, i appreciate it


Polished Sense said...

Your photography is my favorite. It's ah-mazing! I am soOOoo in love with your JC shoes, they look way more like the YSL ones...I have a pair in my shop, a little different. But I love, love LOVE the cage idea :D



thank you! (:
great style, your looking amazing (:

love, caroline.

Ally said...

you look gorgeous, love your jewellery... :)

Annachiara Savio said...

WOW DARLING....looove your style always!!! you're woonderfull!!! favolous pictures :D

Frances Davison said...

fantastic! the cardigan is wicked x

roxanne said...

wow, i love the look of your photos! amazing.

P R I M O E Z A said...

GREAT cardi!

Susu Paris Chic said...

I love your careless city chic with that daring edgy touch... ten season behind or not. If you do it well, in a personal way, who'd care? They'll just follow ya!

Anonymous said...

i have just discovered your blog... and i wish i had found it earlier! i absolutely love your blog and your style! :)

love the gem cuff :)


Marianna said...

I've just seen your outfits on weardrobe: your style is amazing!


Anonymous said...

your cage boots are just gorgeous!!!


Love it! Love it! Love it!
Such an amazing outfit!
Awesome boots too! & love the green on your toos! Hahaha! <3

Which size did you get from the preview shirt? I'm still doubting about it!

Eva said...

the jewellery is interesting

Allegra said...


ps: I gave you an award, because you're blog is the best!

guildedsecret. said...

loving those jeffrey campbell cage boots! you look amazing!


Rock N Revolution said...

GREAT pics and great outfit!

Rock N Revolution said...

GREAT pics and great outfit!

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

really stunning! i love it! great pics, cool clothes..


daisychain said...

Everything about this is awesome.

Mila said...

What to say but brilliant as always ;)

Anonymous said...

so bold with the boots ;)


Soooali said...

I'll always love these shoes. I think if I saw them in 10yrs I would still buy them! havn't seen a good copy over here yet though, still looking!

Jo said...

OUTSTANDING! Just stunning,

Jo x

Camilla said...

Beautiful photos, the outfit is simply amazing xxx
Thakns for all the cool comments!


Unknown said...

the forst picture is my fav. one ;) =*

Sarah said...

WOW! Those shoes are extremely hot!!

Ruth @ xruthloves said...

Wow, that jumper is gorgeous
And when i mean gorgeous, i mean GORGEOUS. I agree, it's the perfect length :)
Ahhhh cage shoes! Beaut! Yumyumyum
I'm still uber jealous that you live in NY, and im stuck in the UK

Milly. said...

Thanks for commenting - You're one of my favourite blogs & I love it that you comment!

Adore the sparkly cardigan, and I've always wondered if those shoes would be comfortable...?


Anna-Lena said...

Wonderful!!i love your outfit...the pics looking fantastic!there are looking as they are out of an fashion magazine...nice,nice,nice..:o)

Bijou's Style said...

your style is amazing...I love this look and that cardigan is perfect...I need it!



A Gluten Freestyle said...

Awesome. Love everything here and the photography is perfect.

Would love to let you know I've given you a Blogger Award. Stop by to check it out!


Unknown said...

you look hot! very cool!
Love the color of the pictures..is that because of the cam or photoshop?


Gia said...

Omg girl, how awesome can you look, everything is freaking hot, especially those cage shoes:)
Hope you're doing great!


the desert foxx said...

oh my god. you are sooo killing me right now! those shoes, those shoes, they triumph everything!

very succesful teaser, haha

those days are gone said...

love the shoes!

Lia said...

thank you:)
and I can't tell you how much I love those shoes, your style is so perfect!

Taryn said...

I LOVE this outfit :) you look incredibly cool without trying hard. I've been in love with those boots forever and I may have to track down my own pair.

Sara said...

Such an awesome look - HOT! And the photos are amazing. The boots are my favourite thing... I'm really jealous!

S x

Giovanna said...

Gorgeous photos! Love your style :)

WC said...

your shoes & cardigan are to die for! love your blog x

What the L said...

I love your cage shoes, they definitly rock !!!

Friend in Fashion said...

Totally gorgeous darling!!!

We simply must catch up for a drink when I'm in NY in April :)

Fashion giveaway @ www.friendinfashion.blogspot.com


The Queen of Hearts said...

What kind of camera and lens are you using again?

y I'll be back in a few weeks for Fashion Week (excited for my few shows, yippee). We should have a bloggers unite or something.

Anonymous said...

I love the cardigan and your photos are truly beautiful. Great style. xo Mish


Joanne Faith said...

The cardi looks so luxe, and it's sparkely to boot! I still dig cage heels and you wear them well. x

s said...

Ah, the shoes, the shoes! Very YSL. I love the vintage cardigan - just the right amount of lurex (looks like it might be plated yarn?)

Taylor Sterling said...

i love the color of these photos! The accessories are amazing!! xx

Nina said...

I like EVERYTHING about this outfit especially those cage boots ... oh so drool worthy!

Valencia Lia said...

I'm so happy looking at this outfit because I would wear everything in a heartbeat!

the shiny cardigan is really gorgeous with a simple tank and those wet look leggings too. Adore those caged heels you've got,lucky girl you are.

And red lips look really good on you. Ohhh,I love your hair so much. How do you make it so gorgeous?? Yup,I want to head down to Beacon's Closet soon but I'm like so far away from the States. heee

em.me.ma said...

just wow. thought this was right out of a magazine!

love the cardigan and bangles.

and i so adore red lipsticks. very retro

A.n.E said...

im so in love with your photography!the colors, textures, the blurring - the whole vibe is just so spot on!

noura. said...

the cage boots.. omg i love them

The Haute Bitch said...

holy shit.. those boots are amazeeeee..


Amanda Lalique said...

loving your photos- the colors and quality are amazing.
Oh and I want that vintage cardi.. really cute!
