
Jacket: Primark
Lace Shirt: H&M
Leggings: Primark
Boots: Strawberry
Bag: Thrifted Coach

I missed project runway on Thursday so I'm watching it right now.... God I love this show!
These photos were taken by the lovely James. It Was a rare and nice sunny day so we thought we would go to Bryant Park to take the pictures!
And of course that evening it dropped to freezing temperatures so it didn't last long!
So excited for the weekend!
Have a good one everyone!


Jess said...

Hot pink lips. Great jewels too babe


These photos are great! Love the outfit, you should be on project runway! I especially love your bangles. Have a nice weekend as well :)


sui said...

fcking beautiful photos. :) who takes your photos when you're out & about? :D

Dani-Elle said...

I love your pictures. Envies in the best ways.

Great Post!
Dani-Elle from,

Melly said...

Perfect Outfit and beautiful pictures. ☺

Lainey said...

That jacket is all kinds of amazing!

Zoe_Deluge said...

your photographs are always so cool, is your boyfriend the photographer? your so lucky :P

Analisa said...

I haven't even gotten around to seeing the new Project Runway yet, I really need to. Your outfit is great as always!

Valencia Lia said...

The drape front jacket you're wearing I'm so so envious! Because I've been wanting to buy a jacket like this but I always end up buying something else that catches my eye.

Adore your bag and those boots too,is it really cold?? heee The sun looks pretty sunny,I want cold weather here where I'm at.

And yayyy,I've gotten your email on the clutch<3

Unknown said...

Love Love Love that jacket!


Annachiara Savio said...

You're a dream!!!! you're always woonderfull!!! you're a style icon!!!! :D

SabinePsynopsis said...

Cool jacket, great cut. Loving the out door pictures!

Vinda Sonata said...

always the coolest style! i love this look. totally great!

by the way, i have an award for you:


Mila said...

Great outfit!
Also,LOVE your pink lips and jewelry! <3

P R I M O E Z A said...

i like your blazer :)

Anonymous said...

Such fun photos!


you have amazing style! love <3. i will be in NY for fashion week...maybe I will bump into you xoxxx

giuli said...

I love the bag!!! :)

Anine said...

Love the outfit! :D

apparellel said...

great pics. love the outfit and totally diggin' on the jewels!

Cathrine said...

all these pictures look great :) i wanna be in ny too! and you look fantastic!

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

amazing pictures!
your jewelry is stunning! love it, cant stop looking at it!
and im in love with the whole outfit. u rock!

Iole said...

great style. great you!
love iole

Anonymous said...

I don't remember when I watched it last time because of lack of time... sooo I'm jealous. :)

elestilopermanece said...

woww! the boots are incredible!

Anonymous said...

i guess,it is New York!
love your outfit,ass i always do!

CATI said...

i like this veryvery much

street angel said...

Beautiful photos..the lip color is cool. Project Runway! I think this season is better than last season.

MELISSA Z. said...

I've just discovered your blog and I love it! You've a great style!

If you want check out my blog and leave a comment! Thanks a lot!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!;))

Unknown said...

Amazing outfit !! You look stunning als always !

Audrey Allure said...

gorgeous outfit! i love hanging out at bryant park :)

Rock N Revolution said...

It's a real treat to see you in some shots with the city background...makes us beach people feel like were in New York with you!

E said...

what camera settings do you use to get your photos to look this way? you look lovely!

Karen said...

Tell me that's Baby Bambi!!?!!

THe boots are STRAWBERRY?!! OMG you and me both have found gems there. That place is like the Salvation Army. Hit or miss.

Karen x

Jessica said...

Oh I love that jacket! And I missed Project Runway too, thanks for reminding me!

Claire said...

I love that jacket! I can't believe it's from Primark... <3 C

Carolina. said...

Oww! I loved your look and photos. Perfect pic!


Rock Couture said...

LOVE...You look amazing

s said...

Oh honey, I hope you had a seriously warm coat with you yesterday! Bloody freezing in NYC. The wind shows no mercy. I thought your adorable little jacket was a knit at a quick glance until I saw the covered shank button. I love that it's a woven piece. The outfit is great!


Nice pics
NIce lips¡
I love pink¡
Thanks for your comment in my blog¡
I follow you.

Francesco Balestri said...

Thanks for your comment!
YOU are splendid my dear!

ash le dugan said...

what a great bag! weren't you a bit cold? this is such a great look!!!! and i love the jewelry!!!!


Berta said...

oh girl! i really like your style! u look great!! i added you to my blog!

Camilla said...

Loverly. awesome outift!
rocking those neon lips. xx


IDYLLE said...

wow this is a really great outfit!!

Sarah said...

cute lips and love your shoes

Mai said...

Love the bracelet and necklace!

Leah said...

I'm seriously in love with this outfit... the shoes rock. xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow! Great outfit! really rock chic!
Love the lipstick espesh, its awesome.
Panda xx

E said...

loveee the jacket and your shoes! great jewelry too


Monica said...

greaaaat jewlery darling :)
love it.


Amber said...

totally love this look!!!!xoxo amber

Meg said...

You look great. I love the neckalce. I haven't gotten around to watching the lastest episode yet.

Unknown said...

amazing outfit ! especially your jacket

Anonymous said...

I love this outfit !

Carlota said...

OMG, I really love your Blog!
I follow you :)

Milly. said...

Hey lady - hope you're enjoying yourself. Haven't seen project runway either - ahhh!

LOVE your blazer / jacket...I really want a new one before LFW. HELP!


Aurora said...

lookin fab

-as always.

María said...

thanks for your message!
LOVE all the outfit and the jewlery...great!!

em.me.ma said...

your photographs are so lovely!.

i enjoy the range of accessories:)


KY said...

You've great style! I love this outfit and nice pictures!

MissKimmy said...

effortlessly fab!

XO Kimmy

Claire said...

love the jacket! love the style.

Paz { y amor } ☮ said...

Thanks for your comment!
stop by my blog whenever you want and I really like your blog!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

Loveee the draping of the blazer - STUNNED it's primark!
& those boots are so perfect! I need to get myself a pair as soon as I get paid!

♥ Hannah



Anonymous said...

fashion week is comingg up!! and isn't it the last year it's going to be held at bryant park?? so sadddd

B a la Moda said...

This look is fantastic. Love the layering effect and the multiple bracelets! Cool style.

B* a la Moda

roxanne said...

i was jsut about to say is that bryant park? haha god i miss new york and just left a week ago.. couple more months til i'm back for good. love this outfit, i neeeed a pair of boots like that in my life.

viviaan said...

pretty sure you make them heads turnnn! ;)

gorgeous outdoor shots xo

Anonymous said...

cute outfit!

shoeless simone said...

Love this outfit! Your pictures are always so cool, how do you edit them?

-Shoeless Simone

georgiana ewing said...

Hi! Just discovered your blog and love it. Also love your glasses. Tell me about them!


Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

love this outfit!
but i most especially love your piled on accessories! :D


Unknown said...

omg I LOVE your blog! I cannot belive how awesome it is!

Totally folowing. xx

The Sound of Lace said...

the sun...THAT jacket...everything looks great!!


danica said...

fab outfit! also, such an amazing coincidence that one of your friends was featured on the missed connections blog!

Nadia said...

love your boots, and the lipstick colour is funny!

Mar Estarellas said...

Omg girl , your pictures are wonderful!

Heather said...

just beautiful. really amzing shots!

i love the green on your cuff and your pink lips :)

Susu Paris Chic said...

These pics are pure pleasure... pure quality! I adore your look - layering in a personalized way. Effortless seeming chic. It makes you wannna join the city rampage along with you.

Irene said...

I love your outfit! :)

Ddays Of Our Lives said...

This jacket is soo cool!! I love your nailpolish and rings!

Cindy Van Dyck said...

Fabulous look! It's really perfect!


Vint junky said...

Gorgeous pics! Hot pink lips are the future ;)

Manon said...

I love everything about this outfit!

Soooali said...

Oh wow! Love this jacket, the shape is beautiful! Awesome pictures as usual! x

Kirstie said...

I love the way you accessorize, perfection in an outfit!

Kirstie Marié

Anonymous said...

Love your shoes!

phantom; said...

LoveloveLOVE your blog and style! Following you now :)

La fille d'Avril said...

the boots are great!!!
i also like ur lipstick hehe


Anonymous said...

you look stunning !!!!

love your blog !

Allbur said...

A-MAZING photos!!!!!!!!!!
u have a great style ;)

Ina said...

Lovely!! :)

Anonymous said...

The layering of the jewels is AMAZING. That jacket is pretty killer too. One of these day you and I are going run into each other in Bryant Park :-) xo Mish


Anonymous said...

Very NICE! And what a beautiful shirt :)

Aimee said...

love the pictures and cute outfit!!
im following :)


Cafe Fashionista said...

The lighting in the second photograph is divine! The way it reflects upon your hair is just gorgeous! Orange lips, hot pink lips...you pull off neon lipwear better than anyone! :)

ak said...

love the outfit with the boots..need to pair an outfit like that with my pair


FashionHippieLoves said...

amazing again!!


Lexi Colby said...

love your outfit :)

Heart Charlie said...

These pictures are beautiful, I especially love that jacket!!

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

Love this outfit. Your blog is ace. All the bracelets. Love it! Thanks for the comment on my blog. definitely going to follow yours!!

guildedsecret. said...

FANTASTIC layers... this is an impeccable outfit - gray/black textures look lovely on you.


Joanne Faith said...

I love how you are wearing your boots, it's a nice chunky way to round off that outfit. Lip is killer.

In-tree-gue said...

I love your blazer

Rock Couture said...

you look beautiful!!! love the lip color!

HeatherClark said...

beautiful pictures!! I especially like the first one

Victoria said...

Love the shots as usual !! Love your style !

Rebecca said...

luscious hair


em said...

thank you dear! you can find the top in Weekday. I wish u a lovley day!

Love your outfit, by the way :)

hugs Em

Unknown said...

Thankyou for your comment! I really appreciate it!
I love this! Amazing :)
Have a great day!
Emma x


Wanderlusting Fool said...

you are gorgeous! Love this outfit! :)

Wanderlusting Fool

VerseaStyle said...

Love your style! Dream of your jewelry collection :)


i love how the boots give the outfit a more casual rough side:)

Anonymous said...

love bryant park! and your outfit is awesome!

Ainhoa said...

amazing pictures! ;)

Fashion By He said...

great lip color!

-He approves

Anonymous said...

i love your pixelperfect video- and i loveeee that blazer/cardigan you've got on :)

Kiki said...

Love the cuffs and the boots dear.. :)

Unknown said...

this gotta be one of the coolest outfits I have seen on you! love it!

Unknown said...

you look stunningly gorgeous dear. love your boots!


anna bu said...

ooooh yes, wicked lighting and cool outfit!!!

Marla Singer said...

amazing jacket! love the boots too <33

Wendy said...

I saw that blouse at H&M a while back and really liked it. Looks great on you!

alex Stoltze said...

LOVINGG your jewls and nail polish!

thehautepursuit said...

holy smokes! I love and want to steal all ur finger baubles! It's kinda strange that NYFW won't be held at Bryant park anymore!!!

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is strawberry ? I can't find the nice boots :(