Tee shirt: 5Preview
Leggings: American Apparel
Boots: New Look
Faux Leather Jacket: Primark
Scarf: George (ASDA)
Lipstick: Brucci (Duane Reade)
Lips Ring: TopShop
So I got a lovely surprise Yesterday when I came home from work to find a package from one of my favorite brands 5Preview (I had mentioned them before here where I had tried to recreate their necklace).
I was so excited not only did I get the Double 5 Necklace, which I have to say is even better in real life! But I also got this Tee shirt which is awesome and fits just how I like them, widish neck and it's also nice and soft.
Oh and the boots yes they are a grey version of my black ones (worn in fadetodust post).
OMG almost forgot, for you New Yorkers out there... I heard today that Project Runway people are going to be near my work tomorrow at 11am.
Broadway and 7th ave (by the big button).
I think I may just go to tell Tim Gunn that he is awesome and that we need to be friends!
Anyone else love project Runway as much as me?
Anyway I'll stop talking.... have a good one :)
you look awesome! I love it all babe!
Great bunch of pic's. The tee and necklace are very cool-lucky lady!
The grey version of the shoes rock!!! Kinda like em better...
LOVE this look! and I am OBSESSED with project runway. that's pretty friggin' awesome that they'll be right by your work! jealous :)I have decided I'm am going to make myself a Chanel shirt with sharpie. I must have one.
I love that shirt...Im officially a follower of 5Preview. GREAT STUFF, Thanks for the tip!
I'm a Project Runway junkie....I hate TV but I ALWAYS make time for it. Follower from the beginning till the end!
Thanks for your comments on my blog!
Absolutely LOVE this outfit and all the photos, I can't tell you enough. The shoes and boots are amazing. And I love your hair! xx
I love the shirt! And the lip ring is so great. I tried to follow the series but I rarely watch t.v., usually because I don't have much time to (I have a very active two year old girl who takes most of my attention). I say go see Tim Gunn and have a great conversation :)
Sarah Jane
You look so adorable. Your red scarf is a great touch.
I love Project Runway. I'm excited for Thursday!
I loved it so much that ring up!
his look was amazing *-*
Here I have no many opitions to buy...It's a shame =/
(sorry about my english...It's too bad!)
kiss ;*
gorgeous as always girl!
lovelove, M.
ha! i love your ring!!
I loove the red scarf with all the black! The leggings look amazing, these are great pictures
-Shoeless Simone
Love it! And your glasses are so cool!
X, fashionnerdic.
cool mouth ring!!
wow these pics are great!
love the pics girl .)
i love love love that lip ring! and that necklace is off the chain!
1. You look great in those glasses.
2. Love those shoes.
3. I LOVE Tim Gunn!!! :)
oohh wow i'm totally loving your shirt and your boots are HOT!!
Amazing rings and shirt <3
luv u're lips rings...
Right. THIS. Yes THIS post you have just posted .... have the BEST photos I've seen you in. They're SO fun and beautiful! Especially that jump shot you have :D
Pure awesome!!
Yum..all the CC!! Love the mouth ring too!
i have to have that topshop ring in my life! loves.
I love everything about this outfit! the teeshirt...the lips ring...the nailpolish... awesomeness :)
thanks for the comment xxx
Woman! How do yo make such amazing pictures?! Seriously :)) <3 I love the lips ring !!!
The shoes are seriously fabulous! As are the tights. ;)
Great pictures.
U look stunning, really luv ur outfit!! Hope u have a fantastic day xx
oh i look like a boy very often:(
but I don't care as long as i can look like a girl as well:)
P.S. Love your blog!
Oh my gosh I'm in LOVE with your ring, the one with the lips! I want one too!! And your shoes are fab too!
LOVE that t-shirt and your lips ring is so cool! xx
you look really great!!! a the lips ring is fantastic!!!
aw, so exciting!
what nail polish are you wearing? its gorgeous
awesome! the pictures remind me of wildfox couture. u're so pretty :D!!!
thanks for the cmt btw :)
o u live in britain? do you know skins? i love this :D
love your hair, rings, and your nailpolish =)
LOVE this whole look-what great gift! I've seen them out and about in the city-I wish Tim Gun was my uncle or something! xo
I love PR! So glad they're back in NY...the LA season was blah.
Love your outfit! Every piece is really great.
Love the photos! Nice ring, scarf and tee! ;))
Totally ADORE this outfit, and that lip ring! xxx
Boots = LOVE.
LOVE the ring gem gem! xxx
CRAZYCOOL OUTFIT! Loving it!Thanks for commenting on my blog^^
ohh wow
I love the topshop ring
sooooooo much!!!
cheers sweetie :)
and love this outfit so much!i saw that lip ring yesterday and wished it was pay day already, it reminds me of rocky horror :)
the shirt rocks!
Say hello to Tim Gunn from me. I adore Project Runway!!
And your outfit is gorgeous. Loving the shoes!
Can you tell Tim I want to be his friend too! I make an amazing vegan chocolate cake! (I don't know if he's partial to soy.)
I've wanted to buy those leggings so many times. Great look.
Love Grace.
love the details!
are u a model?you look like a model(:
I love those leggings. I may need to stop into american apparel soon!
your so amazing,! Love it xx ELLE
Lovely photos!you're really amazing.. loveu :)
love the outfit! but, i think i love the lips ring even more! sooo rad!!! what a lucky gal to get free stuff!
OMB I love your blog and your style! Cuteeee rings! :)
Link xchangee me?
I'm doing a giveaway right now!
<3 Christine
i absolutely love love love this outfit! that shirt is killer and i love the lips ring!
totally gorgeous - LOVE your rings - hot boots too :)
im in love with everything your wearing! and that lip ring is amazing!
Project Runway, that's pretty cool. Love your outfit, very chic! The mouth ring is really cool!
amazing outfit!! the leggings, shirt, and shoes are so enviable (especially the shirt... and the shoes!) did they send you the stuff for free or did you order it? please tell me it was free -- you totally deserve it!! hahaha
you rock, love your outfit girl!!
love the shirt especially, the necklace, that scarf, those leggings.
that ring is sickatating (this is a good thing)
i love light blue/turquoise nail polish...im getting mine done tomorrow!
cool lips ring too
You look so bad-assed good.
Tell Tim Gunn I like how he rarely says anything in layman's terms. It makes for good TV. And yes, Project Runway is practically a religion for me.
aaahh yes!! you look phenomenal!!!!! so edgy and chic!
I LOVE PROJECT RUNWAY. Anyway, gosh you are SO LUCKY. I love that shirt and the necklace :) That ring is pretty awesome as well (the lips) <3
amazing look but the shoes are the best ! =)
great look!!! and love that pics!!!! so funny!!! i really love your blog! can we exchange links????
love all the photos! nice blog, nails colour, and boots!
Amazing pictures!! Love it!
uh. mazing.
merci girl, your blog is pretty awesome too. those rings are KICK ASS and your shoes too!!
Love your taste in accessories and clothes + mad photo skills
cool stuff as always ;-) xx cat
CiTiEs of B
i love this teee!
Love the lips ring - beaut
Rianna Bethany xxxx
I love everything about this outfit! I want to try green nail polish too ... Unsure whether I can pull it off as cool as you!
adorable boots!
kisses :))
Watching the waves
Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I absolutely LOVE yours and so glad you introduced yourself.
This outfit is Out Of This World!!
Much love,
Wonderful!!! you really look fantastic! i love your boots..:o)
love the ring and the t shirt :)
haha thanks, yes i diddd
awww this 'lips ring' is amazing! love it.
I think I'm in love! Hahaha Awesome babe! Cool RINGS! I died! And you look pretty too :) :):)
this outfit is so kick ass! love everything about it, but my faves are the boots, leggins and ring
dude, this tee looks so perfect on you!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
we do like your style :)
whaaaah, these pics are sooo cool
Amazing blog, amazing style! Thanks so much for commenting because I'm glad I can read your blog now! Love those boots! I'll definitely be seeing you in NY! :D
I LOVE that nail color!
i LOVE it
everythings simple, but youre great at pulling it off and adding small tweaks into the look
great booties
thanks for sharing as always
i really love your blog, keep it up!
Hey, thanks for the comment. Your blog is just beautiful, I love it!
xx. Peach Princess ♥
i cannot get over how amazing that nail colour is!
u look so amazing N yayyyyyy im a anew yorker tooo xoxoxo N im following now...how coudl I not:0)
THis series makes me think you are going to pop out of my computer screen and kick my ass! And I am totally okay with it.
gggreeat lip-ring! mmm love it! and the nailpolish is great! where from??
seriously , give me that ring !!! dude, it's awesome :D
Oh my, I LOVE that lips ring and those boots :)!. These photos are great, killer outfit.
I'm so so behind on your posts ! Ahhhh,work is killer as hell Ohhh man:(
But I love love your outfit soooo much! you're such a beautiful person.
Adore your new necklace you got and the tee too! I have been loving their stuff so much:)
The lip ring is sooo adorable and I want your nail color <3333
Hey! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I really appreciate it :) you have amazing style. I love that shirt, necklace and that ring is absolutely BRILLIANT. What's your chictopia name?
Killer outfit. I'm so jealous of your Rocky Horror ring!
Your accessories and heels ROCK.
Love it!
It's not frequent that I like a whole outfit, but I think you've just changed that!!absolutely love what you're wearing and continue to love your shots!
The ring,the necklace,everything.Love it all.
Your nailpolish is hot!
Beatiful pic!!! I love all the accesorize!!
Cute Accessories =))
wow i love your outfit!!! i love the big top and the shoes and AHH EVERYTHING.!!!
Love christie
Love the 5 5 necklace and the lip ring. You pulled it off so well!
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