Jacket: Primark
Jumper: H&M
Leggings: TopShop
Boots: Strawberry
Silver Jewellery: H&M
Black 55 Necklace: PixelsPerInch (inspired by 5preview)
Aaannndd she's back!
I appologise for the recent lack of comments, but for some reason my laptop doesnt work over here in good old England so I am reduced to using a 15 yr old computer that takes 5 minutes to load one picture! and even longer to leave a comment but I am trying :)
Hope you are all enjoying the Holiday. I know I am, Tomorrow I start my shopping and I cannot wait. Will definitely do a post showing you what I bought :)
But back to leopard prints... er LOVE them! This jacket was a steal from Primark about a year a ago, very warm....and this is another necklace by PixelsPerInch (see side bar for link), I was inspired by one of my favourite brands 5Preview who I absolutely LOOOOOVE! Couldn't afford the real thing so Got my own version made. One day though I dream of owning all their necklaces... sigh......
HEY !!!! This is my necklace !!!
Bring me beack my necklace !!!!
..Or i 'm gonna tell it to my mum !! Thief !( ^^ )
i love you leopard fur jacket, so luxe!
love the fur! we already posted something about leopard print!!
...also the bag is adorable!!!!
I love that you make your own necklaces! The jacket and boots are hot!! xx
your boots and your bag score 10 points ;)
Psh that necklace is even cooler than the real version! I love how it's all pixel-y :) & I love this outfit.
i love that jacket! Great shots!
Love it! xx
I have been searching for a good faux fur jacket! That Primark one is amazing, I should really get one, but they havent come into our stores yet.
Love the look.
LOVE! i like how the dress has the shine to it, chic <3
love the fur jacket, can't believe it's from Primark.x
ahhhh Love Love Love :)
The leopard print jacket works really well with the fabric of your jumper to create a luxurious look. The necklace is also great!
Gosh I really love your fur coat. You look awesome.
i am a big fan of leopard print!!!!! loves it.
Got such mixed feelings toward leopard print - But the jacket looks great.
Visit my blog to pick up 3 awards :)
Love your style!
I wish I'd bought that jacket when I saw it, it's so fabulous.
i have the same problems with my home internet... nightmare.
leopard print love!
Love the outfit. Great jacket!
Oh my god, That Necklace!
Perfect Leopard's jacket.
I loved this look. Amazing.
Hugs and hugs.
so cool! i just wanted to say how much i'm enjoying your blog, you rule!
Love the jacket it looks so soft <3
This outfit looks amazing! Beautiful coat!
great outfit, that jacket is brilliant! i look hench in faux fur :(
The jacket is so fabulous - great look!
love it darling
awesome blog, keep it up
i adore the gorgeous inspiration
thanks for sharing
and thanks for the sweet comments
OMG! You look GORGEOUS! I love all the outfit! leopard coat is to die for!
omg the coat and the pixel chanel necklace!
love this! leopard is always good :)
Back again, I've given you a beautiful blogger award :) hope you like! Check it out in my latest post :) XX
The necklace is awesome! Love it!
I love your jacket...great nail polish.
Very nice shoes. From day to day I like leopards exemplars more and more.
Love your outfit! So cool.
Amazing fur coat <33
Wow! gorgeous! I love the light and your style is so beautiful!
Tomorrow x
Still loving the pixelated jewelry. Way to wear animal print. I really need to work on incorporating it naturally into my own style.
Love Grace.
PS. Adore your blog, hope you wouldn't mind if I added your banner to my site?
really cool edgy outfit. i love the way you take your pictures and I love your blog name :P hehe
great inspiration xx
cool! happy holidays.
I love your boots. I might steal them, so you know :]
i love how you wore this outfit. and the necklace is absolutely adorable
Ahhh I love Primark!! To bad I'm in Cali and it's in London! Cute outfit! I really like the necklace, I'll have to check it out!
follow me to
i like your outfit
i like your outfit
i like your outfit
love your jacket, gorgeous!
+happy new year huehue :d
Mmmh so Actually I always think that there is a "Roaring Tigress" who (potentially) slumbers on any Fashionista . . . AND this silhouette subtly/ with a unique twist exclusively tend to illustrate it !!!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
Loving this a lottttt!
hi, thanks for your super sweet comment im glad you left it and i came to see you blog that im now very much inspired by and in love with, you are so artistic pretty, and fashionable love your blog :)
love love love the necklace and fur!
I absolutely love the leopard jacket!
Love, love, love the coat! You never cease to amaze!
xx Alex
Love this outfit, I can't believe your jacket is from Primark, it looks great!
Happy New Year to you too :)
ooooh, ive got my eye on a faux fur leopard-print coat - i shall be buying it in 4 days when the sale starts, i can't wait!
awesome look, and happy new year! x
Love that leopard jacket, I've been obsessing over leopard fur for months now... ugh, Must. Get. Leopard. Coat.
love everything about this!!
so gorgeous!
love everything about this!!
so gorgeous!
OBSESSED with your coat!!
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Hi-ya i'm new to this. I hit upon this board I find It positively accessible & its helped me out tons. I should be able to give something back and help other users like it has helped me.
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