Dress: Customized second hand hippie dress
Tights: American Apparel
Jewellery: H&M, second hand
Nail color: Essie-mint candie apple
YAY! I made my bag and I LOVE it so much! it's awesome!
And the chunky gold zipper just finishes it off perfectly.
Thank you to everyone who helped me decide which bag to make in the end.
The most voted was #3 So thats the bag I made! Even though this is Faux Leather you could never tell!
The most voted was #3 So thats the bag I made! Even though this is Faux Leather you could never tell!
I used it all day today as a big fat chunky clutch bag but what is also great is that my laptop fits in there and because it's padded it's totally protected! (my laptop size 17")
plus I already have some orders from co workers!! :)
If you would like to buy one or for more info just drop me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! :)
P.S. I love this new nail color!!!!
WOW that clutch is GORGEOUS and functional - I'm also in love with your nail colour :)
I was just going through your pictures and asking the question "what is that clutch" only to find out that you MADE IT. Are you kidding me? Seriously, I need that clutch in my life. How much would you charge for one commissioned for the Queen? I pay in love, cupcakes and occasionally jewelry. : )
wow. your amazing
WOW i freaking love that bag!
SOOOOO great babe! The Gempire begins.
that nail color is amazing, and oh my god gimme that bag it's so cute! good job!
AHHHH jealous jealous jealous of your nail polishhh. love the essie mint candy apple! getting it once i get home from school. love the blog <3
love the clutch! It looks like a pillow at first, so it must so soft. Love it.
have a great day gorgeous!
I am Denise Katipunera
WOW, you made it? amazing <3 ! :)
and I'm quite fond of your nail color myself!
that's a pretty name! reminds me of Ms. Ward hehe ;)
WOW! That clutch is fantastic! You did a great job.
Loving that nail colour too.
If you don't sell these you should! Nothing like a standard clutch SUPERSIZED to make it special. Love your blog I'm following you now :)
Gorgeous clutch!
I'm buying a new laptop this week, I was going to get a laptop case at the store but I want to make one now, you've made it look so cool! love the nail color also!
i can't believe you made that clutch, well done, it's perfect! & i'm loving the overdone jewellery as per...
Wonderful bag.
You know what, i take my words back - it looks amazing :) Good work!
really love it all
You're so talented! What an amazing creation. I love it. Anything you store in it would be perfectly protected too.
wooo you went for #3!!! and its absolutely gorgeous, which we knew it would be of course :)
ps, loving the nail colour
Gorgeousss! Great job!
X, fashionnerdic.
love love your necklace...gorgeous
Love your DIY clutch and you can fit a 17" laptop there...amazing!
I'm following your blog now.
I'm normally attracted to blogs with big photos and a lot of substance. Love your blog.
Oh wow i am impressed! A clutch that fits a 17" laptop is a clutch that i think I need! Thanks for the welcoming comment on my new blog :) I'm loving yours with all your design work in it! xx
Oh!!! Thanks for the visit and comment in my blog.
I loved your dress! Beautiful look, and your blog is fabulous.
I'm following you!!!
Marché Noir.
wow! talented you! and it looks like it'd treat a laptop well!
great blog
good work.
thanks for ur comments!
i was few days offline i need my time..so i couldnt write u back!
i wish u a have a great christmas time.
greetings from the cold germany.
tzoules k
the bag is great! I'm definitely becoming a new follower! I love your blog with all those skatches, you seem to be very talente!
It's gorgeous and so versatile
I really like the bag, so creative! I just posted a handmade bag too ;)
very very very nice.
Looks amazing! Love it <3
Wow! That is one awesome gigantic clutch! That thing is HUGE. So impressed that you made it.
Also, I love the heavy use of Helvetica on your blog.
Wow. I love that clutch. That is an amazing DIY!
Wowww! You did such an amazing job! I love it!
You have such amazing style! xxx
Following you! x
Check out my fashion blog here:
you did such an amazing job on the bag! kudos!
Love that bag!! It's gorgeous!!
Loveeeee the clutch bag!!!! can't wait to see more designs :) yes, the Gempire begins :)
I got a word too; Chantallization (my old boss made that one up, for all the collages etc I did) it was too funny
You're a genius! I love the puffy-coat-like nature of this clutch! I wish I was crafty :-(
LOVE the clutch!
the clutch is amazing!
both your clutch and nailpolish are briljant!
This is really inspiring. I like how you went for the quilted approach but did you own take on it. I recently made a clutch using woven faux leather/grosgrain/velvet (see link) but I'd like to give quilting a shot.
ah i love it, it looks like if you were to get tired throughout the day it could double as a makeshift pillow!
I love your nail's colour! :)
I really want this now for my laptop too. This is totes amazing.
ooooooh I love your nailcolour too! I've got applegreen haha but this one is much and much better xxx
I love your diy clutch!! The quilted look on an oversized clutch is the perfect combo!
that's awesome. I love it
What a great idea (beautifully executed). I like your blog so much, I'll put you on my blog list now. Wishing you a happy end to the year. Sabine x
i can't believe you made this clutch, you are so talented. it looks like it could work as a clutch / pillow, i love it !
xx lue
Dude this the best thing EVER...WANTNEED NOW!!!! Grrrreat job!
i love that bag!!!!x
I said this once on Chictopia, and I cannot hold back. TEACH ME. You have such amazing skills... and gosh, you are mighty creative <3 :) I love your photos and this DIY is BRILLIANT! xo
OMG i'm from spain and i would love to know how did u do it! i'm seventeen.. and i'm broke :( so if u could post the steps i would love u a lot haha :) xoxo
ahhhhh what a lovely bag! May I know how much it is in Singapore Dollars? :)
sooo awesome!!! you are doing your bag!!! and i love the american-esque ads you did up there - congr! xx
Oh lady I'm so glad I have time to spend perusing your blog once again, hehe.
Love everything you do and wear so much, and now you're making things!!
Also - I'm logging on and buying that nail colour right now. No jokes x
Love the oversize clutch!
absolutely LOVE that clutch!
it is simply asmazing, good job! xx
that clutch is way too amazing!
how can i get one? i cant believe you made this its incredible!
but then again, you are a genius:)
wow, just wow
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